Son of Rumplestiltskin/Henry's Father

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Walking down the streets of New York Henry searched for his sons name as I lean against the wall. Arms crossed over my chest I still can hear the witches voice in my head. Suddenly, there's a noise coming from the fire escape outside. "He's running." My sister blurted out heading for the door.

Once outside we could see the guy climbing down the fire escape breaking into a run down the street. "That... That favour you owe me - this is it. Get him to talk to me. I... I can't run." Rumple called to my sister looking at his injured leg.

"Watch Henry. I'll be back." She said breaking to run after the man.

Henry saw a hot dog cart so Rumple handed him some money buying him one as I started pacing back and forth which he noticed. "You've never been this nervous before. Something wrong, Astrid?"

"I can't stop thinking about the green witch in my head. She said I would meet her in the future. How is that possible?" I throw my hands up at my sides slumping my shoulders in frustration.

Henry took a bite out of his hot dog staring at me. "Wait, you can see the future right Mr. Gold?" He nodded yes when he kept talking. "Did you see what she saw. Or maybe there's a connection. Like she's supposed to warm you two about something."

"Well for now it's about Rumple's son. Let's focus on that until we get back to Storybrooke." I told him moving some hair that fell in front of my eyes.

Henry lifted his hot dog up smiling. "Oh, and, uh, thanks, for the hot dog. I forgot."

"You are quite welcome. And thank you." Rumple smiled resting his hands on his cane.

Henry tilts his head. "For what?"

"Well, if it wasn't for you bringing Emma and Astrid to Storybrooke, none of this would have come to pass. You... Are a remarkable young man." He told him then glancing over his shoulder at me. I can see a hint of love in his eyes. "And I think I have found the love of my life because of you."

Henry smiled then brought up my sister's decision to give him his best chance. "You know... I forgave her. Emma - for giving me up. She thought it was the best for me then. That's why she did it. I'm sure your son will get it, too."

"Alas, the circumstances surrounding our separation weren't quite so noble." Rumple dropped his shoulders not so sure of the boys hope.

Henry and I both stared at him. "'re here now. And, you want him back, right?"

"More than anything." Rumple immediately replied with a serious smile on his face.

Henry nods showing hope in his eyes. "Then, that's all that matters."

"In my book, it says that you can see the future. Why can't you just look and see what's going to happen?" Henry and I followed him back into the lobby waiting for my sister to come back.

Rumple moved his cane to lean against the wall intertwining his hands together in front of him. "Well, that ability is complicated. I didn't always have it. And then when I did... Well... It's maybe not the gift one would expect. Seeing the inevitable can be a terrible price."

"But you wouldn't have to worry about stuff. You'd just know." I shrugged my shoulders to his words.

Rumple runs a hand through his hair. "But that's the great trap. The future is like a puzzle... With missing pieces. Difficult to read. And never, never what you think."

The door opened and my sister walked inside but not with his son. "Did you find him?" She shakes her head disappointed. "Sorry. Your son... Got away."

"Stop. You can't just break in." My sister warned him as we stood outside the apartment.

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