'Emotion' Magic Lesson One

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Opening a door I step inside transforming into wearing a blue princess dress and a golden flower crown on my head. Spinning around in the room seeing I am inside a castle. Walking out onto the balcony there was an endless view of woods before me. The only part that doesn't make sense is where is Rumplestilskin. Usually by now he has entered my mind at this point.

"Rumplestiltskin!" I called out moving through another room of the castle seeing an empty cage before me.

A cage that was clearly created in side to hold a human inside. "Come to save the Dark One have you dear?"

Spinning on my feet I shriek seeing a woman with green skin dressed like a witch standing in the doorway. "Who are you?"

I shutter shuffling my feet backwards to the cage. The witch smile revealing the dagger that belongs to Rumplestilskin. "Someone you'll meet in future, Little Princess." She disappeared in green smoke before everything went black.

Shooting up in the cot in the back of the shop I run a hand through my hair making it a slight mess. Looking around the backroom I moved my legs over the side hearing voices inside the front of the store. Standing by the curtain I slightly moved it seeing Regina looking for a book. "I need the book. I need to get my son back."

Rumple opened a cabinet then chuckled when he realized. "Which book. Ah. So it's come down to that eh'. You need your mommy's help."

He smirks at her when she throws her hands up. "Give me the book!"

He shrugged his shoulders seeing me peaking in on their conversation. "Do you really need the smell of the written word to get the magic flowing again, love. Because I don't really care about helping you at the moment."

Regina scoffed giving him a glare. "Who else would you devote all your time to. The other Swan girl."

He doesn't say anything for a few minutes wanting her to leave. "Jumpstarting your magic isn't in my best interests. So leave please."

She rolled her eyes she tried opening a crate sitting on the countertop. "You know what else isn't in your best interest. Keeping the secret that the Enchanted Forest still exists. You're up to something that doesn't evolve going back home." Rumple put his hand holding it closed then waving his hand down creating a book through purple smoke.

"Just so you know. That Swan girl isn't strong enough to beat me." Regina scoffed leaving the shop when he just clicked his tongue.

"You cute sneaky rascal." Rumple smirks playfully opening the curtain making me flop back onto the bed lightly blushing that he caught me.

"I'm sorry I just woke up from another dream. And it was werid."

He sits down beside me on the cot barley holding onto his cane. "Weird in what way, Astrid?"

Intertwining my hands together in front of me I slump my shoulders. "I saw this - uh witch I think. And she was holding your dagger. Usually - I see you in my dreams but you weren't there. Maybe my power is messing with me again."

He reaches over resting a hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze. Getting to his feet he pulled me to stand seeing my worry.
"You have nothing to fear, lass. Once we get you to control your powers you'll be fine."

He waved his left hand creating the dagger in his hand. "Do you trust me enough yet, Astrid?"

Slowly nodding my head I hadn't seen what he can really do yet so I could learn to trust him more. He waved his freehand engulfing us in purple smoke transporting us into the middle of the woods. Turning around in a circle I couldn't see any of the buildings meaning I wouldn't possibly destroy Granny's or anything else important to the town.

He pointed the tip of the dagger directly at me beginning our lessons. "The first thing you must know about magic is that it's all about emotion. Everything you feel can active your power inside."

"Like when I was worried you'd kill Regina. And the lights blew out right?" I questioned nervously playing with a loose strand of my hair.

He gives me a small head nod yes throwing the dagger up into the air where it disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke. "You're lesson for today is to dodge my attacks, understand dear?"

Glancing from my boots and back up to his brown eyes I shake my head no. "What if I hurt you or been something to the ground, Rumple?" I haven't even had a full chance to see what exactly I can do with my magic.

"Astrid, you could never hurt me. And the point of this lesson is to see what powers you have. Then we can focus on controlling your...emotions." Rumple walked up a few steps forward softly smiling. He then created a fire ball in his left hand throwing it near my head.

I scream ducking underneath it where it strikes a tree. "Rumple, you could have hurt me!"

"You asked me to teach you did you not. This is how we'll train." He raised a brow throwing one my direction but I raised my left hand making the flame go out before it could hit me.

Rumple raised his right hand this time but I raised mine too. Throwing my hand the opposite direction of his I threw him into the dirt as light as I could possibly manage. "How do you create a fireball?" I asked helping him up off the ground with my freehand.

"Why do you wanna know that, lass?" He asked with a raised brow at my question.

Shrugging my shoulders I crossed my arms over my chest answering back. "I read about it in Henry's book. Just thought Regina used it a lot."

"Let's do that next time. Now do you want me to take us home or you wanna give it a go?" He asked gesturing between the two of us with his right hand.

Raising my right hand I take a breath waving it so a yellow smoke surrounded us. Once it clears I stomp my foot on the ground angry because we're at the town line instead of his shop. "Damn it. I thought I had it!"

"Don't worry dear. You'll learn in time. It was a good first try." He draped an arm over my shoulder kissing my hair while we just walked back into town instead of using magic again.

Do you all like me writing this way by separating the dialogs or should I keep writing how I have been in the other chapters???

Let me know your thoughts in the comments

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