Hook to the Heart

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Neal and Henry entered a pizza shop talking with I stayed outside with my sister and Rumple. "I need you to speak to him. Try and convince him to come back to Storybrooke with us." He explained leading onto something more.

"If I recall, there was only one favour I owed you, and I think I'm paid up." Emma said thinking her deal with him was done.

He shakes his head watching the boys inside getting pizza. "This isn't about me anymore. You'll do it for Henry." Where she just stares in silence. "Well, because if you don't, you're going to wake up one morning, and discover he's hopped on a bus back to New York. He ran away to Boston to be with you. He'll do the same thing for his father."

"Until Neal lets him down - which he will. It'll be a hard lesson, but then at least Henry will understand that I lied to protect him." My sister scoffed crossing her arms over her chest.

He tilts his head to the side speaking. "Someone's beginning to sound a lot like Regina. I think the real reason you lied was to protect yourself." He stared directly at her. "From getting hurt again."

"That's not happening." She shook her head no.

Leaning up on my toes my sister wasn't good at hiding her feelings from her own sibling. "You want a second chance with that man."

"What makes you think that?" My sister asked looking between the two of us.

Rumple smirks intertwining his freehand with mine. "The look on your face." Before she could say anything the boys came back outside walking back to Neal's apartment building.

Pulling my jacket closer together I walk beside Rumple glancing his direction with a raised brow. "Did you mean it earlier. What you said about finding your true love...with me?"

"My love life hasn't been the best but...I feel the best version of myself when I'm with you. So possibly. What's say you?" He glanced back at me with a small smile waiting for my answer.

Rubbing my hand down my arm I avoid his gaze feeling embarrassed. I've never told anyone else except my sister that I love them. "I - I'm not sure. It's just that I've never - I've never said it to anyone..." Before he can say anything I opened the door to the lobby watching Henry and Neal head upstairs.

The door opened before I see the crazy pirate running up knocking my sister out of the way and into the wall. Opening my hand I suddenly remembered I didn't have my sword with me. "Not so brave without your sword now are, sweet blonde?" Hook shoved me against the wall where I slammed into the metal bars right before he pushed Rumple back. He then plunged his hook into his chest making him gasp. Grabbing my chest I collapse onto my knees feeling harsh pain in the same place.

"Tick tock. Time's up, crocodile. You took Milah, my love, my happiness. And for that, I now take your life." Hook holds Rumple back with his bloody hook hand.

My sister regained her surroundings grabbing something and knocking the pirate over the head with it. She rushes over to him seeing Rumple's panting for breath. "Gold, are you alright?"

"What the hell is going on?" Neal and Henry rushed outside.

I groaned feeling something racing towards my heart causing my sister to rush to my aid. She grabs my shoulders trying to find out what is wrong. "What's wrong. What hurts?"

"It's - its - ugh - something's wrong. I - I can feel where - he was stabbed somehow!" I grunted laying my head against her chest death gripping her forearms.

They managed to help us both upstairs to his son's apartment as I winced feeling the pain getting worse. Rumple groans looking weakly as I moaned in pain. While his stabbed wound was turning a yellow-green colour. "What the hell is that?"

"It's poison. It's one of Hook's own making. There's no antidote in this world. It's... It's not from here." Rumple explained moaning in a pain alongside me on the couch.

Neal looked terrified for his father. "Hey, hey, hey, hey. There's got to be some way we can save you...the both of you." He finished looking my direction.

"Storybrooke. There's magic there now. We need to get him back." My sister said pushing hair from my face since I was starting to sweat from the posion.

Rumple shakes his head no reaching out for me with his other hand that I grabbed weakly in my grasp. "No, no, no. There's not enough time. We need something faster. The Captain's ship."

"The Jolly Roger instead of a car?" My sister questioned his solution not seeing how we would get a pirate ship out of New York.

Rumple didn't back down from his plan. "It's the fastest vessel in all the realms."

"Well, that's great, but who's going to captain it, since the only guy qualified wants you dead?" She rebuttals as I grabbed where my heart is gasping sharply.

Neal immediately spoke up. "I can do it."

"You know how to sail a pirate ship?" My sister eyed her ex not knowing that.

He simply replied back. "Yeah. I do."

"Even though I am in agonizing pain right I have to ask sis - why on earth did you dump him?" I chuckled through a dry cough. Neal and my sister both weakly smiled down at me. Until she got a text and I saw the horrific look cross her face. "Em...what's that look for?"

Rumple eyed her after my question. "What, worse than incurable poison?"

"I don't know. You tell me. You got a dagger hidden somewhere in Storybrooke that's the source of all your power?" She spoke hand on her hip.

Rolling over on the couch I pointed to the necklace around Rumple's neck. "It's his dagger...the dagger of the Dark One...it can control him according to Henry's book."

"Cora's after it. The only way to stop her, is have David and Mary Margaret get to it first." My sister revealed to the four of us.

Rumple spoke in confidence that we would be fine. "Yeah, let Cora try."

"You can't seriously be willing to risk this. Not with your son coming back with you to Storybrooke." My sister raised her brows at him trying to convince him that it was a dangerous situation.

Rumple glared at her not afraid of Regina's mother. "Miss Swan, that dagger has not left my possession for centuries. It's not about to now."

"Here's the thing. You're dying. And right now, we are your best hope. Time's come for you to start trusting someone. And, if I were you, I'd start with family." My sister glared at him seeing that I am still morning in pain and she couldn't do anything to help at the moment.

Emma and Neal were trying to call a car as I hold myself up on my elbow calling to my boyfriend. "Rumple..." I gasped closing my eyes at something flashing through my mind. Something that looked like another future vision.

I'm standing inside his pawnshop with Rumple weakly sitting on the cot in the backroom. My mother holding a candle with a light and dark end. "I wouldn't use this to save my own mother. What makes you think I would it for you?" My mother spoke.

"Because you're all grown up now. And for once our interests are allinged." Rumple said clutching his cane pointing at me. "I have a theory...if I die...so will Astrid...your daughter."

Shooting my eyes opened I clutch my chest I started having a panic attack. Rumple lays with his eyes closed trying to save his strength. "No...I'm going to die!"

Comments really appreciated

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