Dagger Quest

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Removing the hairpin from my braid I entered it into the door of Mr. Gold's pawnshop. It's literally six in the morning but I can't sleep. Rumplestiltskin's words have been bouncing around in my head since yesterday at the sheriff's station. The tumble to the door clicked, unlocking it where I pushed it open. I am grateful there isn't an alarm going off like it would at the convent store down the road. Closing the door behind me I turned the flashlight on with my phone searching around. The wooden floor creaks under my boots when I start opening cabinets, finding old maps and other things but not what I'm looking for. Going around the glass counters I opened the regenerate finding no different keys. Then an idea popped into my head eyeing the large painting on the wall. Reaching up I start pulling on it feeling it open to the side until someone suddenly spoke making me shriek. "I never thought you'd be someone to break in and steal, Astrid Swan." Whipping my head around I stumbled into the wall knocking one of the smallest paintings off the wall crashing to the ground.

Mr. Gold stands in the darkness but I could tell it was him by how his figure looks in the light being provided by the opened door. He rests his left hand on his cane for balance while I stay pressed against the wall. He walked over to the wall flipping the lights switch so we aren't in the darkness anymore. He closes the front door making the little bell make a sound waiting for me to say anything back as a response. "You know if you were interested in something you could have just waited until opening hours. Perhaps you should go home and get some rest-" I cut him off playing with the end of my braid falling over my right shoulder. "I won't do that!" Gold knitted his brows together almost like I was challenging him. "I can't do that, Gold. If I close my eyes all I hear are the voices of someone - Rumplestiltskin inside my head. And I've tried to block him - but all I see is you." He puts a hand over his head questioning me. "Me, lass I'm afraid I don't understand." I raise my index finger with the tone in my voice towards the man. "Don't do that. Don't act like I am crazy like everyone else. I refuse to be put in a nuthouse over this - I need the truth - I need to know everything!"

"Astrid dear, what exactly are you looking for from me?" Gold questions stepping up to me where we are almost pressed against the other. I had moved away from the wall wrapping my arms around myself leaning against the glass counter. "I am looking for someone to trust what I am saying...someone who isn't a ten year old. Even though I love the kid. I - I need to know who you really are. Like are you actually what Regina called you - are you really Rumplestiltskin?" Gold's eyes drifted down to mine walking around me and the countertop. He moves the painting showing me a locked safe. Turning around I stand close to his back asking. "So you really are hiding something from me?" He turned the dial unlocking it to reveal a map and a chipped tea cup. He closes it back, turning to face me. "If you want to know me then I'll show you where I buried it. It's hidden near an abandoned cabin in the woods." We started exiting the shop strolling down mainstreet like we weren't on a mission to find a dagger. "So if you want someone to trust you're not going crazy. May I ask in your dreams if you fell for this Rumplestiltskin's supposed good looks, hmm?"

Running a hand through my hair I tilt my head to the ground blushing like a tomato. Gold eyes me with a slight smirk playing on his lips. "I um - I mean possibly. I've never had a real relationship..." He nodded nudging me in the arm when we finally reached the woods outside of the buildings. "If we're speaking in fantasy terms. Would you want to ever go on a date with me?" Throwing my head back I covered my mouth with my hand. "Oh my God. I forgot I've never taken you up on your Granny's offer." He sent me a wink when I turned my head in his direction. "I mean I'm not Prince Charming in Henry's supposed book but I think we could have a good time." I smiled blushing again at the fact my father could possibly be Prince Charming like Henry says. Gold finally stopped walking past the cabin, starting to dig with the shovel until I took it from him. Digging the rest of the way he held up a hand picking up an object rolled up. "Astrid, I just want you to know my feelings for you won't change. Even if yours does at this moment." Stomping the end of the shovel into the dirt I watched him unrolling something and a shiver ran down my spine. Gold or should I say Rumple indeed held in his hands the dagger. Dropping the shovel I picked up the knife slowly avoiding his gaze all together while I expected the blade in my hands. The name Rumplestiltskin staring straight at me where I gulped feeling awkward but not afraid around the man near me now. "So...do I call you Gold still or Rumplestiltskin now?"

Gold or Rumple chuckled, flashing me a nervous smile seeing me holding the dagger loosely in my left hand. "You can call whatever you like, princess Astrid. But let's stick to Mr. Gold in public shall we." Something pulled at my heart hearing him call me Princess Astrid instead of just Astrid. I lower the weapon back down on the roll, striding up to him slowly, never breaking eye contact with him. "In my dreams you almost kissed me. Normally I would listen to my sister's warning and not fall down the path to something that seems crazy at the moment. But not anymore, her fight is with Regina. And mine...is well with myself." He nodded, eyeing me with confusion as to why I haven't left already. Henry described him as being worse then Regina but I can't put my finger on that being true. "So what is it going to be, lass. Going or staying?" Gold/Rumple asked, holding back a smile that you might stay. "Kiss me and let's find out our fate." I blurted out leaning up on my toes and he leaned down giving me a kiss. I smile enjoying the feeling but I felt him smiling into it too. He broke the kiss tucking hair behind my ear, beginning to bury the dagger back. "My sister's never gonna believe this...not only did I just kiss you and you were my first. But that - the curse is real." I bend my arms above my head, smiling in shock. "Don't worry, love. We'll take care of the curse...together." He smiled intertwining my hand with his where Iet him escort me to Mary Margaret's. Neither Gold or you knew that Regina had someone watching you from the road. "You were right. She's with him." Regina replied through the phone. "Good. Then you know what to do. Take care of the Swan girls."

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