Finally Have Parents

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Rumple had went back to his pawnshop as I ran down mainstreet seeing my sister and Henry embracing Mary Margaret and David. Standing still I drop my mouth opened already crying without even hugging them yet. "" Mary Margaret broke the hug without my sister blinking through tears. "Astrid..." David slowly walks forward first opening his arms for me. Without thinking I ran forward like I was a child flinging my arms around his neck crying. Mary Margaret slowly wrapped her arms around me hugging me with happiness. "You found us..." Burying my face into them I chuckled sniffing through my own tears. "I can't believe this is real...I found you." David broke the hug running a hand through my hair when I wiped away tears. "Yes you did. Just like we hoped you would." Suddenly people started running towards Regina's house wanting to kill her. Squeezing my sister's hand I have a hench that someone will go after her certainly. "I have to go meet someone. I'll see you guys later." Mary Margaret raised a brow as I run towards Rumple's shop. Opening the door I closed it causing the little bell to ring seeing him putting the dagger back into the sage behind the large painting. "You're gonna kill her aren't you, Rumplestiltskin?" I asked when he glanced over his shoulder.

"She tried to kill you, Astrid. I can't let that stand without her suffering." He bared his teeth where I clutched my hands into fists the lights in his shop flickering quickly. "What the hell!" I shriek jumping backwards in fear when some of them broke completely. He slowly walks forward reaching for my hand but I yank it back into my chest not wanting to hurt him. I don't know anything about magic. Knowing that I have it according to what he said earlier I don't want to hurt anybody. "Just breathe, Astrid. I can help you. You won't hurt me." Lifting my right hand to his opened palm he squeezes my hand intertwined with his. I suck in a breath feeling his dark power combining against mine which I didn't think would be possible. "How can I stop that from happening again..." He tucks hair behind my ear with his other hand whispering. "I'll teach you, dearie don't worry." The shop door gets slammed opened revealing my parents and my sister with angry looks on their faces. "Get your theafing hands off my daughter, Rumplestiltskin!" My father demanded where we separated from each other but I still stood by his side playing with the dagger necklace in my jacket pocket with my freehand.

Emma crossed her arms over her chest glaring at me and Rumple. Mary Margaret or should I say mom stepped around her tugging me away from his side a little. "Sweetheart, why are you with him exactly. I don't mean to sound like I disapprove. I just - I wanna know why." Glancing over my shoulder to him I sigh slumping my shoulders. "I feel something for him. It's a long story but I was seeing him in my dreams. I don't know why yet - but I trust him somehow." David stomped up getting in Rumple's face growling. "You shouldn't be anywhere near my daughter, Dark One!" Rumple chuckled walking around the counter resting his elbows on it with a smirk. "Oh really. Tell me Charming. What are you going to do when she loses control and possibly destorys the town. Because I don't recall you being born with magic hmm." A shiver runs through my whole body wrapping my arms around myself. "Can that really happen, Rumple?" I whimpered under my breath until my sister grabbed a hold of the countertop. "Tell us what was the purple haze that you brought and why you risked my sister and Henry's life!" Rumple waved his index finger around in the air answering her. "You know, magic." My mother asked concerned. "Why?"

"Not telling." He smirks back to her while his brown eyes drifted back to me knowing I knew what he wanted it for at the moment, it was revenge. "Allow me to answer your questions with some of my own. Did your dear boy Henry and sister survive. Is the Curse broken. And let's see Ms. Swan, how long have you and your sister been looking for your parents?" Emma tilts her head down as I glanced back to our parents behind us. He had a point that if the curse wasn't broken we wouldn't have met them. Suddenly the ground started shaking where I lift my arms over my head crying out. "Am I doing this. Make it stop!" Rumple points towards the door when mom bent down trying to calm my nerves. "That is my gift to you. That is gonna take care of Regina...for what he did to you princess." He mumbled the last part under his breath. Mary Margaret helped me up following after David. Emma and Rumple stared at each other. Whipping my head around to Rumple I whimpered afraid that I might not be able to stop the creature with magic. "Teach me when I get back, please."

Regina almost got killed by the ghost creature until we decided to help save her. Regina tried to get a hat to work while David and I used torches to move the beast closer to it. Emma touched Regina's arm right before he threw me and him against the wall harshly. The creature gets sucked into the hat managing to grab my sister's leg yanking her inside the pottal with it. "Emma no!" I screamed trying to get to my as fast as I could. Mary Margaret and David screamed no together until she jumped into the hat. "I'm losing either of them again!" Our father tried to follow them but the portal closed when he hit the wooden floor. I gasped crying when my legs collapsed onto the ground. My hair falls into a mess as my father and Regina bickered. Getting to my feet I just started running in a random direction ending up bursting through the front door of Gold's shop. He moves the curtain back seeing my shaken state when I collapsed onto the wooden floor sobbing. "They're took my sister and my mother!" He pulled me to my feet dropping his cane wrapping me in a comforting hug. Burying my face into his chest I can't stop crying where he runs a hand through my blonde hair mumbling back. "I'll - we'll find a way Astrid. I'll do my best you needn't worry." I get my parents back only to lose one and my sister in the same day.

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