Fight The Green Witch

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Everyone is gathered around Storybrooke hoping that Regina will show up and fight through wicked witch who is apparently her sister that she never knew about until now. "This isn't good. For all of you. If my sister isn't here in five minutes I'm going to let the Dark One of his leash." Spinning on my heels I gasped seeing Rumple by her side with his head bent down sadly. "Who'd you wanna kill first, Rumple?"

My sister stepped forward. "He's not kill anyone. If you wanna fight someone, Zelena, fight me."

"Sorry dear, I don't dance with amateurs." Zelena stuck her tongue out not impressed.

My sister got ready to fight wanting to defend our family. "I'm not an amateur. I'm the savior."

"Looks like someone has an inflated sense of self-worth." Zelena looks at Rumple who threw his magic at my sister throwing her backwards into the street.

Bending down to my sister's side I glanced to Rumple rising to my feet. Waving my hand I created a fireball raising it behind my head. Zelena smirked pointing the dagger at me causing Rumple to raise his hand trying to throw me but I throw the fire towards the witch. Rumple tried to choke me but I teleported away back to Zelena trying to grab the blade from her hands. She swiped the knife across my cheek blasting me back with magic. "Anybody else wanna give it a go?" She taunts swinging the dagger in her hands.

Regina's voice broke through the crowd. "I do."

"You still don't realize what you had. You never did. You got everything I ever wanted and you didn't even deserve it. But I'm gonna take it all from you." Zelena jostles Regina away causing her to crash backwards into a blue car.

Regina created a fireball that the witch took out. Zelena lifts her sister up into the air chocking her at the same time. "You can't beat me, little sis. Everything Rumplestiltskin taught you, he taught me, too. But I was the better student." She sends Regina flying through the Clock Tower's window,

Getting to my feet again I glanced to my boyfriend with fear in his brown eyes. Blowing hair out of my hair I charge towards the witch creating my sword but she spun around shoving her hand inside my chest. I gasped sharply dropping my sword at my feet. "Astrid no!" Rumple and my mother gasped through tears.

"I thought that theif had taught you better. Never put your heart in danger." Zelena bared her teeth twisting my heart inside my chest before I saw memories flash through my mind that I don't recognize.

Walking through the woods I sighed coming from Rumple's castle. Neal was with Belle but I couldn't stay there long. It's too painful to think of bringing Rumple back. Foosteps approached where I drew my sword aiming it directly at Robin Hood. "I would be great full I don't lose my head, princess."

"Sorry. I'm jumpy in this new world." Lowering my weapon I put it back in the holder when he sits down beside me on the log.

He reaches up wiping away a tear that has fallen down my cheek. "Can I know what has you so upset my lady?"

"My first and only love...I lost him. He wasn't supposed to die. And when he did...I thought I was going along with him." I sniffed feeling more tears picturing Rumple dying in front of me all over again. "I'm just afraid that if I love again...I'll lose that person again."

Robin rests a hand on my shoulder making me look in his eyes wiping away some more tears. "Well when I lost my wife I felt that fear too. That I would lose someone else close to me. So I put my trust in my men and you can put your trust in me to not lose yourself."

"I don't understand what you mean..." I trailed off shaking my head at the theif.

He dropped to a knee before me causing me to gasp. He revealed something from his pocket that was a ring. "On my honor Princess Astrid Swan. I vow to guard your heart if you'll let me that is."

"Robin, I - I accept." I stuttered out with a smile on my face when he slipped the ring on my left ring finger.

Zelena released me flying away on her broom stick while I gasped for breath. Clutching my hands into fists at the ground my father rushed over resting a hand on my back to see if I was alright. Closing my eyes I still don't understand what she just saw me. I would never move on from Rumple if he had stayed dead. But that's what that memory looked like. Shaking my head my eyes fell to the ring letting my thoughts control my magic. Opening my eyes again I ended up standing directly in front of Robin and his men in his camp in the woods. "Astrid, what's troubling you?" He asked striding up to me closely.

"I don't head is betraying me or something..." Holding up my left hand he saw the ring not understanding what I was saying. "Zelena just showed me this and I have this weird feeling I can't explain."

Robin takes my freehand in his locking eyes with me. "Then don't explain. Some things are done better through action."

Once he spoke those words I crashed my lips onto his. He stumbled a little wrapping his arms around my waist holding me a second before kissing back. Wrapping my arms around his neck I leaned into him enjoying the kiss but he wasn't Rumple. Foosteps approached us so we broke the kiss seeing Regina who bawled her hands into fists at her sides. "You Charming's can't let me have happiness can you!"

Oh snap are Robin and Astrid together in the Enchanted Forest year they don't remember???

Comments really appreciated

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