Gut Feeling About Him

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Emma had went in search of Henry when we got released from jail this morning in Storybooke. Shrugging on a tank top I decided to stroll the town while we were here for a day or so. Last night Henry talked about the storybook more saying that everyone else in this town was a cursed fairytale character. Except for me, Emma and himself of course. That they weren't allowed to leave the town or something bad would happen to them. Glancing around the street I had passed a dinner called Granny's but something makes me stop outside a pawnshop called Mr. Gold's. The wind blows my hair in front of the eyes when someone stops a few steps away from me. "Would you care to look inside, dear. It would be much easier." Spinning on my feet I parted my lips eyeing a man up and down. He wears a black tux with a red tie, walking with a cane. He has shaggy brown hair that has some grey in it with brown eyes. "The name's Mr. Robert Gold. May I know yours lass?" He opened the shops door letting me inside first.

"Astrid, Astrid Swan. It's nice to meet you Mr. Gold." I stepped foot in the shop hanging my mouth opened at all the different things he had inside. He had the typical stuff like cups but there's a glass unicorn baby mobile. Alongside things like swords you would see in midevil plays or something like that. Mr. Gold closed the front door walking around a glass counter watching my movements. Raising my brows I could feel his eyes trained on me. "What is it you're looking for, Mr. Gold?" He chuckled bending his head down with a slight smile. Moving over to a painting on the wall he pulled it away from the wall holding something in his freehand before closing it back. "I'm not sure why but I think this would suit you, lass. I'd let you have it. Free of charge." Glancing over my shoulder with my blonde hair falling over I caught sight of a unique necklace. The necklace is shaped like a tiny dagger colord silver. I moved my hair back allowing him to clasp it around my neck. Looking at myself in the mirror on the wall I must admit the jewelry was beautiful, and I have never seen any type of jewelry like it before.

Glancing over my shoulder Mr. Gold rests his hands on his cane for balance raising a brow. "What do you think?" Walking up to him I lift it up with my freehand giving him a gentle grin back. "It's beautiful. How much do you want for it?" I reached down about to get my wallet from my back pocket but he gently grabbed my wrist stopping my efforts. My eyes locked onto his where I get the feeling I recognized the deep brown from somewhere. I just can't put my finger on it exactly. "There's no charge, lass. All I ask in return is that you allow me to take you out to Granny's diner. If you decide to stay of course." Reaching up I begin playing with some of my hair which has been a nervous habit of mine when I would get embarrassed as a child. "Are you always this nice and forward with your customers?" I tilt my head to the side with a playful smile to the pawnshop owner. Gold reaches up moving his hair that had fallen in front of his eyes clearing his throat looking nervous at my question.

"Well I must be honest most people in this town and I don't have the best relationship. I haven't seen you around so I felt I should make a good first impression. If that makes sense, Ms. Swan." Holding my hands up I throw them down chuckling with a sigh. "Please just call me Astrid. We're not in a business meeting with each other anymore. Are we Gold?" He chuckled giving me a smile until I felt my phone going off inside my pocket so I held a finger up answering it. "Hey sis. What's up?" Emma's voice came through the phone mentioning an inn. "Hey, Henry convinced me to stay for a week. So meet me at Granny's inn. It's the same woman who owns the diner." Hanging up the phone I put it away heading to exit the door explaining to the man watching me. "That's my sister, Emma. I have to go but hopefully I'll see you again." He nods giving me a wave bye when the door closes behind me. Walking down the street I play with the necklace feeling my eyes trailed up to the clock town. The time froze on 8:15 never moving according to Henry. The sun has set by the time I reached the small in walking up the wooden porch stairs meeting my sister inside.

Emma stands at the front desk with an elderly woman and her young granddaughter who eyes me from her spot in the corner. Closing the door behind me I tapped her shoulder before the front door opened revealing Mr. Gold. "Emma. What a lovely name." He stared at the elderly woman who nervously hands him a roll of cash which was probably the rent. My sister voices with a small smile towards the man. "Thanks." Gold blinked his eyes at me a couple times reaching for the door handle sending me a wink. "See you soon, Lady Astrid." I felt my cheeks turn bright red remembering that nickname from the figure in my dreams that was Rumplestiltskin. Shifting my eyes sharply to Gold it makes a shiver run down my spine seeing the same brown eyes. "So how long will you two be with us?" The elderly woman named Granny broke me from my trance asking my sister. "A week. Just a week." The woman smiled handing her a key replying. Emma took hold of the key where we walked into our room setting in for the night. Emma layed down in the bed as I sit resting my chin on my arms looking out the window playing with the necklace again. Still hearing the words Gold had said. "Lady Astrid...How on Earth would he know that nickname?" I mumbled to myself falling asleep.

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