Near Dying Love

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The pirate ship lands in the water of Storybrooke and Rumple and I are sat in the back of my father's truck. Gripping the tailgate I sighed feeling a little better meaning that magic is helping but it's still there. The posion that will lead to my death according to a future vision. Wrapping my arms around myself I sit down on the cot in the back room of the pawnshop beside Rumple. My sister enters with an empty glass container."Emma, did you find it?" He asked her.

"Yeah. There's nothing in it." Until she shakes the container, creating a clinking sound. "What the hell?" She sticks her hand inside the container and takes out something that seems to be invisible.

Rumple rests a hand on his cane with his other hand he pointed to the chalk. "Invisible chalk. Use it in the front doorway. Draw a line. The rest of you, you might want to prepare for battle."

Laying my body back everyone left except for my mother when he asked for her help. She goes to the cabinet and opens the door. She slowly takes out whatever it was and holds it in front of Rumple and I.
"Why do you have this?"

"For a rainy day." My boyfriend simply replied up to her. All the while my whole body shivers living the nightmare from inside my mind. The nightmare where I most likely will be dead at the end.

"You're not getting any better, are you?" She asked seeing my chest heaving up and down quickly with my eyes closed tightly.

Rumple bends his head down against the golden handle of his cane. "The candle can save me. There's nothing else."

My mother holding a candle with a light and dark end. "I wouldn't use this to save my own mother. What makes you think I would it for you?" My mother spoke.

"Because you're all grown up now. And for once our interests are allinged." Rumple said clutching his cane pointing at me. "I have a theory...if I will Astrid...your daughter...I know you can do this. I know you want to do this."

My mother knits her brows together still confused. "I don't understand, how are you connected to this sweetheart?"

Shrugging my shoulders I sat up taking Rumple's freehand placing it over my heart whispering under my breath to him. "Show her, my heart..." Rumple shoved his hand inside my chest pulling it out as easily as possible to not cause me pain. He holds my heart in his hand where the three of us could see a liquid in the center of it. Slowly spreading out to the rest of it.

"Ugh I have a guess - that it's the posion Hook stabbed into his chest. Somehow - someway - Rumple and I are connected." Raising my index finger I pointed to my bright red heart in his hands. "So he's right mommy...I don't want to die please!" Rumple gently pushes my heart back inside my chest where I grab his shoulder releasing a slight gasp.

Mom flickered her gaze to the candle in her hands. "Even if I were to do this... The candle only works if you whisper the victim's name over them."

"The heart will do." Rumple said when I gripped his shoulder.

Mom made the realization
"Cora's heart - it's not in her body."

"Use the candle, curse the heart. And then... Here comes the tricky part." He explained moving his freehand in front of his body.

"That's not the tricky part?" Mom cut his sentence short.

He finished his sentence gripping his cane while I closed my eyes feeling more tired than before on the pirate ship. "You have to put the heart back inside Cora's body. She will die, and I will live...Astrid will live alongside me."

"There's another way. I get Cora's heart, I control her and make her do the right thing, and I let you die. Takes care of two evils at once." She spoke still trying to remain the good hero of the story making me whimper in fear.

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