Beliefs Heart

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Running into Skull rock I halted in my tracks seeing Henry holding his golden glowing heart in his hand standing beside Pan. Gripping my sword in my hands I glared at Pan not seeing Rumple anywhere. He went inside first but no is nowhere to be found. "You trapped him didn't you." I growled seeing a black box on the floor.

"I gave him a choice and he was stupid enough to believe it was true. Now you my darling. You do have a choice stay with me and rule." Pan smirked resting a hand on Henry's shoulder. "Stay here with me and Henry."

Raising my sword up I shake my head no focusing my attention to my nephew. "Henry, he isn't the good guy. If he truly was don't you think your grandfather would be here. Please listen to me."

"I am trying to be a hero just like when you and I ate the posion apple. Aunt Astrid this is my choice." Henry declared shoving his heart inside Pan. "I have to save magic."

Seconds after a green flash of magic blasted all of us onto our backs except Pan. Henry's body fell to the floor while I ran grabbing the black box. I started to wave my hand over it but I clutched my hand into a fist wanting the dang cuff off. Pan lowered himself to the ground so I grabbed my sword stabbing it into his chest near his heart. He grunts but I knew he wouldn't die since being in Neverland makes him immortal like Rumple with his dagger. "Take this off right now or I will rip Henry's heart out of your chest this instant!" I bared my teeth showing him the black cuff.

"Oh my dear, Astrid. You're fire warms my heart. Although a simple please from your beautiful face would have done the trick." Pan smirked where I removed the sword tripping him with his leg. He falls on his back before I pressed my sword against his throat making him choke a little.

"You've got exactly three seconds, Pan. Give me my magic back right now!" I bared my teeth until he grabbed the cuff ripping it off. I get blasted back and hit Neal causing us to both fall on our backs.

Pan levitates himself up in the air smirking down at me where Neal helps me to stand on my feet again. "It is a joy to know that one follows the light and the other falls down into the darkness." He flies off where I get dizzy falling unconscious in Neal's arm dropping my sword in my left hand.

Blinking my eyes opened I lifted my head up seeing that I am laying on one of the beds below the ships deck. Someone spoke gently grabbing my shoulder. "Astrid, you're alright-" I cut them off raising a fire ball out of my right hand releaved to have my magic back in my control. I met the gaze of Neal staring at me.

Closing my hand the flame dies when he starts speaking again knowing I won't hurt him. "I'm glad to see your awake. Emma was worried about you."

"How's Henry. Did Pan get away?" I asked grabbing his freehand in mine instantly.

Neal shakes his head helping me out of the bed and onto the deck with everyone else. "He's safe. There's something I need your help with though." At my feet sits the black box that Rumple was trapped inside. "I need you to open it."

"How will that work for me. I thought that only works through blood magic." I explained raising a brow to his son who hands me the black box.

"Look you and my father had this weird soulmates bond thing at least that's what Henry told me before all this happened. So I think you should be able to free him. If not I'll do it." Neal steps back where I waved my freehand over the box. It opens revealing a string of red smoke that transformed into Rumple's form.

Rumple gasped throwing his arms around me and Neal immediately. "Bae. Astrid." Neal hugged his father back. "Papa."

"I told you I wasn't gonna hurt the boy." Rumple told him intertwining his hand with mine.

Neal nodded making me pout my face. "I know, I'm sorry. Why didn't you tell me Pan was your father?"

"Because I didn't want you to know I was as bad a father as he was. Because we're both the same; me and him. Because we both abandoned our sons." Rumple looked disappointed at his son until I smacked him upside the head with a glare.

His son hugged him happy. "No, you're not the same. You came back for me, Papa."

"God you're alright. Now we can save dad from the dreamshade arrow poison that struck his chest." My sister wrapped her arms around me in a gentle hug. Wrapping my arms around her neck I smiled until I registered her words.

Eyeing my parents and my sister in annoyance I throw my hands up in the air frustrated. "I'm sorry why am I the last one to know everything exactly. When was someone going to tell me dad might die!"

"Astrid honey - all that matters now is that we can be a family-" I smacked my mother's hand that reaches out feeling betrayed that they weren't going to tell me.

Dad looked to me with a sad expression when I don't go to hug him. "Save your reasons the three of you. I guess the second child doesn't get the special secrets treatment like the first huh."

"What's wrong?" Neal's voice breaks the intense silence that had fallen over the pirate ship. Whipping my head over my shoulder I saw Rumple's face which was concerned before he grabbed my hand teleporting us inside one of the bunkhouse rooms. Pan has a hold of Henry trying to take his heart.

Rumple waved his hand creating the black magic trapping Pan inside. "Blood magic works both ways, Father."

"I can't wait until we're home and we don't have to worry about him anymore." Laying my head on his shoulder he draped his arm over. Kissing my forehead and teleporting us back up top with the others.

Comments really appreciated

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