You're in My Realm

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Entering my parents apartment dressed in a brown leather jacket with my hair completely loose all over. Rumple wears his shaw over his shoulders. My father came down the stairs giving me a look of concern about me and Emma are going on a trip with the Dark One. "Alright, Gold, you're going out there with my family. Just know, if anything happens to them..."

"Then you'll what? Cross the town line? And David Nolan will hunt me down in his animal rescue van?" Rumple shrugged his shoulders knowing my father didn't have any real way to do a good threat if something happened.

Dad locked eyes with the man finished his sentence. "I'll be devastated. This isn't a threat. It's a request. Take care of them."

"I promise no harm will come to your family. After all, we have a deal." He responded to him intertwining my hand with his gently squeezing it.

Tugging my father's arm I pulled him away from Rumple. I squeeze his hand in mine staring up into his eyes. "Dad, look I know you're worried but if it helps, he will be out of his element. He will have no choice but to follow mine and Emma's lead." Wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug I whispered. "I love you, dad."

"I love you too, Astrid." He mumbled into my hair hugging me back before we left the apartment getting in Rumple's old car.

Henry asked sitting next to me in the backseat. "So... Where are we going?"

"Logan International Airport." He responded to the boy simply where my sister corrected. "I think he meant after that."

"Let's just take things one step at a time, shall we?" He replied focusing on the road as we passed the leaving Storybrooke sign.

Emma raised her brow eyeing the shawl he wears. "You really think that shawl's going to work?"

"Well, if it doesn't, and I revert to my cursed self, we're all going to have some problems. It'll work." He tells her in a warning tone as the blue magic ran over his body. "My name is Rumpelstiltskin. And we're going find my son."

Finally at the airport the four of us are trying to get through security which for the most part was going fine. Henry walked up to the metal detector talking Rumple's leg off with questions. "It must be really hard not to use magic - being like everyone else."

Emma stared at him as I tossed my shoes in the bin grabbing one of them for his stuff. "You've got to put your shoes in."

"How terribly uncivilized." I could see a look of disgut cross his face while he takes off his shoes and Henry goes through the metal detector.

I started to go through until TSA Agent spoke towards Rumple behind me. "Uh, scarf and the cane go in the basket."

"What...Astrid?" He flickered his brown eyes to mine his face almost turned white with fear. "I can't."

Turning around to face him I grab his hand hoping to calm him down until a man behind us interrupted clearly impatient. "It ain't rocket science, buddy. You ever been on a plane before?

"Have you ever been impaled upon a cane before?" Rumple spun his cane up in his hands threatening the man through grunted teeth. I immediately grabbed his wrist pulling his arm down before he got arrested by security because that would be an even worse time for him.

Squeezing Rumple's shoulders I got him to look me in the eye again. Reaching behind my neck I clipped the dagger necklace clipping it back together around his neck instead. "Focus on this, alright. I'm gonna go through and you'll follow me. Just keep your eyes on me. Eyes on me, Rumple." He nods a small yes squeezing my right hand a little tighter than normal.

My sister tried to fix the situation with the man behind us. "My... Father's a little nervous. We're headed to a family reunion. Sorry."

"Father?" Rumple went to correct her words still out of his element.

Emma reassured him with a look over hjs shoulder at me. "Just put your shawl in the bin. I'll help you get through."

"If I let this go, I could forget who I am." He frantically told her clutching the fabric in his hands looking between the two blonde's needing him to trust at least one of them.

Resting my hands ontop of the one he used to grip his cane I look directly in his eyes. "Eyes on me. Repeat it and follow me, understand dearie?"

"Eyes on you...eyes on you." He repeated over and over walking through the metal detector freezing in place until I take his hand. Emma throws the shawl back over his shoulders grabbing her stuff.

Finally on the plane Emma sat in an ille seat with two different people. Allowing Henry to sit on one side of me getting the window seat and Rumple on my other side. Henry has a box of cinnamon buns on his lap basically frosting all over his fingers making my sister smile. "You good, kid?"

"You kidding? A trip with you, first plane ride, and we're going on a quest like in the book. The only thing that could make this day better? Is more frosting." Henry bounced his knee grabbing another treat from the box handing me some that I popped into my mouth.

Emma and I lock eyes where I followed her gaze seeing Rumple's 's bandaged hand. He had gone to the bathroom when I went with Henry to buy the cinnamon buns he was chowing down on now.

"It's going to be alright. We're going to find your son." She reassured him before I saw the leave seatbelt light on the ceiling flip on meaning we were about to take off.

He gulped starting to shake till I reach over intertwining our hands together. Everytime during takeoff I would always hold hands with Emma because it made me less nervous. "I'm sorry this is all freaking you out. I wish my realm wasn't this for you, Rumple."

"It's not your fault, Astrid...maybe someday. If we get back to my realm I can help you out." He suggested resting his head on top of mine. Closing my eyes I heard a voice of a woman. The one that had green skin carrying the dagger I saw earlier. "Someone you'll meet in future, Little Princess."

Lifting my head up he looks down at me reading the nervous in my bright eyes. "What's wrong, dear?"

"Rumple...I think I've seen the're future." I trailed off in a shacky breath feeling the plane begin the flight to New York city. Through the whole trip Rumple doesn't take his eyes off of me even when I fall asleep on his shoulder.

Comments really appreciated

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