Time Traveling Heart

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Groaning in discomfort I could hear Zelena and Rumple talking around me. "Once I fix the past, my mother will keep me, Regina will never have been born, and I'll get everything she'll ever had." Blinking my eyes mu vision in blury when she placed a brain in a bowl. Another has Regina's heart and the end of a sword in the other.

"Whether it works or not, is irrelevant, dearie. Because no matter what you change of your past, one thing shall remain the same. Who you are. And that is a fate, you can never escape." Rumple told her digging the holes with a shovel.

Lifting myself up on my hands I see a chain on my ankle where I am laying in the forth circle. Trailing my eyes forward she was making a circle with four corners connecting in the middle which must be a portal or something like it. "You - you killed me Zelena..." I cough grabbing their attention seeing her smile wickedly.

"Yes I did. But apparently your bond keeps you from dying little princess." She slowly strides up lifting my chin up to hers with the tip of the dagger. "I found a loop hole that situation. You see I was waiting until your dear mother gave birth to another product of true love. Then I remembered you so why waste a baby's life, when I have you."

She dropped my chin allowing Rumple to drop down to my level helping me sit up. "Oh sweetheart. I'm so sorry. I just panicked when you died in the forest..I'm sorry." He started crying where I grip his suit in my hands.

"Rumple it's okay. I just don't understand how am I alive. I thought when you crush a heart there no coming back?" I asked still confused even though I had my memories back from the missing year.

His brown eyes locked onto mine before he reaches inside his own chest grunting and revealing his heart. But I gasped in shock seeing that he only had half so the other half is inside me. "We share a heart now, my princess." He whispered resting his forehead against mine softly.

"Rumple..." I whispered wrapping my arms around his neck hugging him. He wrapped his arms around my waist not enjoined seeing me so scared.

"Don't worry, dearie. Once all this is over, you won't remember a thing." Zelena reined the moment between us not concerned if I died so long as she got what she wanted.

She waved her hands creating an orange portal in the middle of the circle. Wincing sharply I feel another source of magic grasp onto mine drawing it away. Bending my head down I raised my hand trying to strike Zelena but my fireball just gets sucked into the portal so I'm basically powerless against it. "Dad - Em!"

"It isn't over yet." My father declared holding a sword in his hands.

"Astrid!" My sister shrieked carrying her handgun standing beside him.

Zelena scoffed hee arms over her chest. "And who's gonna stop me? Certainly not the Savior."

My sister and Hook moved towards Rumple glancing my direction. Clutching my hands into fists I fall onto my knees watching my golden magic drawing away from me. "Get the dagger. Then the dark one will be on your side." Rumple told the pair knocking the gun from my sister's hand with his magic.

"It's easier said than done." My sister told him seeing me groaning in pain near her feet.

Rumple whipped his head down to me tears in his eyes focusing back on the two of them. "Do as I say, or I will destroy you both. I have no choice!" He knocked them back with his magic into some hay balls. "If she successfully completes the spell it will kill Astrid."

"Remember, these creatures are our friends!" Robin shouted swinging his crossbow staring my direction in worry.

My father twirled his sword in his hands. "Don't worry. I'll use a gentle touch."

"Unfortunately, that's not an option for me." But Rumple knocked them to the ground like my sister and Hook.

Regina tried to strike her sister but she holds her in a choke hold in the air. "Only light magic can harm me. And you're as dark as they come. It was your destiny to be this way. And will also be your undoing! Don't tell me what I can be! I tried to be good once, but it wasn't in the cards. This is who I am, and it's who you are!"

"You're wrong, sis." Regina replied before blasting her with light magic. Zelena grunted dropping the dagger near my body. Regina removed her necklace causing the magic from the portal to disappear.

Bending my head down I sighed in relief raising a hand under my nose seeing some blood but my heart is still beating meaning I'm alive. My father started rushing to me until I gasped seeing a flying monkey heading for us. "Dad!" He swung his sword with Little John appearing from green smoke confused.

My father runs forward wrapping his arms around my body. One hand running through my hair sighing in relief. Wrapping my arms around his neck I bury my face in his chest enjoying this embrace. "The baby. How's - How's mom?" Pulling away I asked him raising my brows knowing she must have given birth by now.

"She's okay. The baby is fine. It's a boy." He grinned through happy tears looking over my shoulder where I followed his gaze seeing Rumple watching us.

He offered his right hand tugging me up to my feet gently. Squeezing my hand in his I fling my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist sighing in relief. "Oh Astrid...I'm sorry I had to hurt you. I never intended to do such a thing. I love you - I Iove you."

"It wasn't your choice I know that. I know you'd never hurt me, Rumple. I love you too - I love you always.." Breaking the hug I squeeze his shoulders with a struggling smile. Leaning into his embrace I sighed in his embrace.

Regina holds her sisters necklace in her hands. "You failed. You're not going anywhere."

"I beg to differ." Rumple raised his hand into a fist dragging Zelena towards him with his magic. "I'm gonna make you pay for everything you've done to me." He still has his other arm wrapped around my waist loosely. "Along with killing the only light and love I have ever known!"

"What are you waiting for? Just do it!" Zelena bared her teeth to us.

"With pleasure." Rumple bared his back to her about to strike until Regina picked up the dagger stopping him. "No!"

He pointed his index finger towards her sister annoyed. "After everything this witch has done... you're gonna protect her?"

"Good magic stopped her. And good magic doesn't exact vengeance." She explained still holding onto the dagger. Locking gazes with me knowing I would understand her choice.

Rumple growled through tears bringing up how Neal died at her hands. "She killed my son!"

"You can't be serious." Rumple shook his head in disbelief glancing down to me giving him puppy dog eyes.

Mumbling under my breath I lay my head against his shoulder. "Heroes don't kill, Rumple."

Comments really appreciated

So question my readers should Rumple and Astrid get married and that be the end or no???

If you have any ideas send them below in the comments

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