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ACT.1 — SCENE 2.

Third Person's POV

The night passed rather quickly. It was time for the children of Kuru family to return back to Hastinapur with the burden to fight for the throne. Since Maharaj Dhritarashtra claimed that both Rajkumar Suyodhana and Rajkumar Yudhishtira were capable of being the king, a kala pradarshan (tournament) was organized where the Pandavas were pitched against the Kauravas. The one with more victories would be inheriting the magnificent throne of Hastinapur.

Every student in the gurukul mastered a weapon. Yudhishtira, the eldest of the Pandu clan, excelled in possessing spear, Bheem excelled in mace; Arjun in bow and arrow; Nakul in sword, Sahadev in axe and lastly the youngest of the Pandu clan; Yashaswani, excelled in axe and sword. She was trained to use bow and arrow in the absence of the former two weapons. In all these years of gurukul, the Pandu siblings had grown inconsiderably closer for they knew that they could trust no one but each other. The schemes plotted by their cousins to kill them used to always keep them on edge, but they knew that they had each other and their jyeshtha used to comfort them by saying that as long as their Pitamaha and Kakashree are alive nothing would be able to harm them. 

Yashaswani stood silently as she stared at the chariots that were waiting for the princes to arrive. A tired sigh left past her lips. Her eyes darkened as she reminded herself of the obstacles that were waiting for her family in the future for, she knew that Suyodhana was nothing but the foot soldier, the actual mastermind, Saubal, was waiting for them to arrive and he would go to any lengths to make sure that her brothers are dead. 

If it were up to them, she knew that her Jyeshtha would give up the throne to Suyodhana happily while they would go back to the forests to live the way they used to. A life with happiness and sunshine but they couldn't for her father owed to a debt to the people of Hastinapur, to the people of Aryavarta. The people to whom her father had sworn to protect till his last breath but failed to. Now it was their duty to repay the debt by making sure that the throne of Hastinapur would have a King who would follow the path of dharma, make sure that their praja (citizens of a state) was content, to make sure that the Kingdom would prosper. 

Unfortunately, Suyodhana failed to meet any of the criteria. Making Yudhishtira be the one to bear the duty of kingship but her Tatashree's putramoh had made him believe that his eldest son was actually capable of being the Maharaj despite of the sins he had committed. A grim look casted upon her face. Her going to Hastinapura and leaving Manmohana behind was already painful for her, now thinking of the obstacles waiting for her in Hastinapur was causing her to get anxious.

"Rajkumari?" the charioteer asked, confusion lacing his face as he looked at the Kuru Princess. Yashaswini turned to face him, the usual spark and mischief returning in her eyes as she could see her brothers standing next to their respective chariots. She knew that Maharaj Dhritrashtra had chosen the saarthi  (charioteer)for the chariot of her Jyeshtha. 

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