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ACT 2.— SCENE 10.

Third Person's POV

After everything settled down, Krishna visited Indraprasth so that they could bring hundred more kings under them, eventually making Yudhishtira the Chakravartin Samrat. Krishna advised to defeat Jarasandha, who had captivated hundred kings for Narmedh Yajna. If they defeated the present Samrat then the kings who would be freed would immediately come under the support of Yudhishtira and that's what they did.

Yashaswani, Arjun, Bheem and Kanha stood at the ground where human sacrifice by Jarasandh was going to take place. Arjun, Bheem and Kanha were in the guise of Brahmins along with Devasena.

"Gandhar Naresh, Bhrata Duryodhan and Angraj are also here." Arjun pointed out. Yashaswani made a disgusted face.

"For years I didn't see them, I was so happy and now looking at them makes me want to puke." Krishna laughed at her.

"You are such an exaggerator, priye." he teased.

"I have learnt from the best." she cheekily smiled at him.

"How are we going to defeat him Madhav, I have heard that no one in the whole Aryavart can defeat him." Bheem said as he eyed the slaves who stood in line to be sacrificed.

"I have heard of a tale-" Yashaswani began but Krishna cut her off.

"Do you know a trick or two of Malyudh?" He asked. Yashaswani piped in.

"Bhrata Bheem learnt Malyudh in his early in Hastinapur by Durbeeksh."

"She is right Madhav, I did learn, but I am not sure if I remember all of the moves." Bheem said, hesitance masking his face.

"That's all I wanted to know bhaiya." he said as he made his way towards the Magadh Naresh.

"Pranam Maharaj!" he said as Jarasandh stopped his axe that was supposed to be cutting a poor man's neck.

"Aap kaun?" he asked politely as Krishna was in the disguise of Brahmana and Jarsandha was known for being respectful to brahmins.

"I am Keshav. That lady standing there is my consort, Keshavi and they are her two brothers. She thinks that her brother Vrikodar-" he pointed at Bheem. "-Can defeat you in malyudh." Jarasandh laughed at him.

"What makes you think that he can defeat me?" Jarasandh asked as Krishna smiled. "Go away Brahmins. The auspicious time for sacrifice is passing away."

"It's good news for us, Bhrata Vrikodar." Yashaswani came forward and she patted her brother's arm.

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