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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

ACT. 4 — SCENE 4.

Third Person's POV

Yashaswani hummed as she braided Aadrika's hair. She divided her hair into three sections and tried knotting them but was miserably failing at it. Aadrika giggled at her mother's failed attempts.

"Pitashree was right, you really can't braid hair," she giggled. Yashaswani raised her eyebrows.

"I am fairly good at this. It's just your hair that is not cooperating with my fingers." she defended herself, Aadrika kept giggling.

"Only if Vatsala was here to help me with this," Yashaswani mused. Suddenly one of the guards who was stationed outside her chambers knocked. "Come in." The guard entered.

"Satyakisangini is here, Maharani. Should I let her in?" A small smile played on Yashaswani lips.

"How many times have I told you, no need to ask permission when it's Vatsala," Yashaswani lightly scolded.

"Yes, you should have let her in," Aadrika imitated her mother.

"Forgive me Maharani. I'll send her in." Vatsala entered the room, one of her hands holding her lehenga and another a scroll.

"Vatsala, it's been such a long time--"

"Keechaka's killed." Yashaswani looked at her confused.

"Who's killed?"

"Keechaka, the younger of Maharani Sudeshna, wife of King Virata." Yashaswani still looked bewildered.

"So?" Vatsala sighed, reminding herself that Yashaswani hasn't been active in politics since her marriage and has completely detached herself from knowing the whereabouts of her brothers since Aadrika's birth.

"Maharani," Yashaswani frowned, knowing that Vatsala only calls her by her title when the matter is serious which it hasn't been in thirteen years. "There are four people on this planet who are as powerful as Lord Indra- Balrama Dau, Shalya, Keechaka and--"

"Bhrata Bheem." Yashaswani now understood. The name of her brother sounded so foreign on her tongue. Tears were forming in her eyes, she felt disgusted by herself, how could she be so selfish to forget her brothers. How could she be happy in the materialistic happiness and forget about her soul sister who was out there in the forest away from her children with the same wounds that Yashaswani carried in her heart. Yashaswani's breath hitched as she turned her face slightly to wipe a lonely tear that was threatening to fall from her eye.

"How are you so sure that it was him? It could have been anyone. After all, he was the senapati (commander). He must've had many enemies." Yashaswani turned around and looked at Vatsala, her eyes still glossy.

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