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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

ACT 2.— SCENE 16.

Third Person's POV

Yashaswani stood in front of the statue of Devi Prakriti, her soul pleading the goddess to pull her out of the misery. She couldn't help but think that maybe this is the punishment of her sins that she has committed, maybe she deserved it. Yashaswani bit the inside of her cheeks and kept her eyes squeezed shut to prevent any tear from leaving her eyes. She couldn't be weak now, not when everyone was waiting for her to break apart.

She took deep breaths to calm herself, once calmed down, she opened her eyes and stared at the ethereal statue of Devi Parvati, she smiled at the goddess, feeling much better after lending her worries out to her Devi. Yashaswani was brought out of her happy trance by the sudden clanking of chains.

She turned and saw two soldiers with chains in their hands. Their face held inexpressible grief and eyes were brimming with tears.

"What are you doing?" she sharply asked. Her eyes reflecting nothing but helplessness, knowing of what they were here for and also knowing that she couldn't escape it. If anything, it broke the soldiers heart.

"Forgive us Rajkumari," one of them cried. "We don't want to do it, but it is Maharaj's order."

"Do what?!" she impatiently asked. The soldiers shared a look.

"Maharaj has ordered you to be detained until the svayamvara is complete," the second soldier softly said. Yashaswani couldn't help but let out a dry laugh.

"So, Maharaj wishes to arrange a svayamavara where the bride herself isn't present," she mocked. "Why am I not surprised?"

"He fears of your elopement with Dvarikapati," he added.

'If only I could,' she grimly thought. 'If only I didn't act like a coward and professed my love for him, I wouldn't be stuck here at first place' she brushed away the thought and looked back at the soldiers.

"Run away Rajkumari," the soldier advised. "We would tell Maharaj that you tricked us and ran away." Yashaswani sighed.

"I won't." she firmly said. The soldiers shared a look.

"Neither will I let you to lie to your king," she pointedly said. "nor will I let you be punished for my misery."

"Forgive us Rajkumari," the soldier began, "but detaining you here is equivalent to committing sin for us."

"It doesn't matter if you detain me or not, we are all born with predestined fates, in the end I will be getting what was written for me," she slowly smiled at them.

"You should follow your dharma and detain me here, I will do my part of waiting to see what my niyati has in for me," the soldiers gave each other an uneasy glance, not convinced by her words. She sighed knowing that there was only one way to make them agree.

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