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ACT. 4 — SCENE 3.

Third Person's POV

Yashaswani sat alone in her chambers. Her hands gripping the railing of the window tightly. She couldn't help but stare at the moon and adore the darkness that surrounded it. She laughed bitterly at herself. The girl, who was supposed to be the sun of her clan is now loving the darkness of the night. The chilly winds of the night that once felt like hissing serpents now felt comforting to her. She sighed, her mind wandering of to her brothers and Draupadi and the hardships they must be going through. Her brothers were quiet used to it but Draupadi, she has lived the life of a princess and then a queen. How will she manage to live in the forests? How will she live through these thirteen years away from her children?

"You shouldn't think so much, my dear," Krishna's voice startled Yashaswani as she turned around to face him.

"I'm sorry," was the first thing she muttered. "I didn't hear you entering."

"Or maybe I didn't intend for you to hear me entering," he pointed out to which she gave a small smile. "Why are you wearing this? Won't you catch cold?" he pointed to the light attire she was wearing. It was a plain red colored skirt and blouse with a matching dupatta loosely draped over her. Other than her earrings, mangalsutra and anklets, she wore no other jewelry. Even her hair was kept open.

"I--I..." she fumbled, her cheeks flushing, he certainly knows why she is dressed up like this but then it's her Manmohan, who finds mischief in every situation.

"Stop blushing like a tomato, priye and answer me," Krishna innocently asked.

"Don't pretend," she muttered. "You know why they dressed me up like this."

"I know why they dressed you up like this." he said. "But what I am asking is why you dressed up like this?" Yashaswani tilted her head in confusion as she looked at him. "I don't understand what you are trying to say swami."

"Why shall you dress up like this when nothing is going to happen." a look relief and confusion casted over her face. More relief than confusion.

"But why! We are supposed to--"

"I won't do anything to hurt you, my queen." Krishna firmly said. "If you think that I haven't noticed you flinching away even from the slightest touch then you are mistaken--" he slowly moved forwards and gently took her hands in his and suddenly she looked as fragile as a glass, afraid that if he even tightened his grip, she would break.

"I know that the events at Kuru Sabha have wounded you and even thought I have asked you to forgive them, the wound still hasn't healed yet." Yashaswani stiffened at his words, neither of them have spoken about the events of her disrobing ever since their conversation in the chambers of Hastinapur and now him mentioning was bringing every single memory of the darkest day of her life back. The day everything went down.

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