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ACT 2.— SCENE 3.

Third Person's POV

Yashaswani woke up the next morning, she lifted the blue colored quilt off her as she looked at the sunrise. Her mind drifted to Hastinapur and her family.

'What would they be doing right now?" she thought. 'Are they even missing me?' she laughed at her stupid thought. 'Of course, they are.'

"Pranipat Rajkumari." a new girl said as she looked at the princess in awe.

"Haan bolo." Yashaswani said but she kept staring her. "Sakhi? Sakhi!" the girl was now snapped out of her trance as she looked at the princess.

"Umm...main Vatsala hoon. I am your new lady-in-waiting." she introduced. Yashaswani smiled at her. Vatsala showed her the bathroom which Gaurangi already knew but pretended as if she didn't. After bathing in milk and rose petals, Yashaswani wore a white lehenga and adorned herself in simple jewelry since the weather in Dvarka was humid and she felt no need to wear much. Everyone in the palace, despite being maharathi's, led a normal life. Vatsala combed Yashaswani's hair when another handmaiden entered.

"Rajkumari, Yadukul Shreshth Shree Krishna has sent flowers for you." she said as she placed a tray full of lotuses near her. The lotuses were really beautiful, all of them were fresh bloomed, not even one was faulty.

"These are so beautiful." Yashaswani gasped at the freshly bloomed flowers.

"I can decorate them in your hair." Vatsala offered, Yashaswani looked at her, the smile never faltering from her face.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Vatsala immediately started decorating the lotus flower on her hair while Yashaswani started to make garlands out of the rest. Vatsala let Yashaswani's hair open, she braided the front part into two braids and pinned it up at the back. She adjusted the chudamani  (hair jewelry) at the crown of her head and pinned the lotus near her left ear. Yashaswani looked at mirror and gasped.

"You are amazing Vatsala." she appreciated making the said girl blush. "You are just exaggerating, Rajkumari."

"No, I am not Vatsala. It's extremely beautiful." she said as she kept looking herself at the mirror. Their conversation was cut short as a dasi (handmaiden) entered with a scroll in her hand.

"What has he sent now?" Yashaswani asked with a smile.

"Shree Krishna has not sent anything Rajkumari, it has been sent to you by Mahamantri Vidur." The dasi said as she handed the scroll to Vatsala, who would read it aloud for Yashaswani.

"Priye Yashaswani," Vatsala began. "I hope you have reached at Dvarika Nagri safely. I wanted to write this with happiness and content of your brother's Raj-Tilak but the fate has twisted its way. Earlier your brother was supposed to rule over the whole dynasty, but the plans of Gandhar Naresh has changed everything. He made an objection to divide the empire into two halves between the Pandavas and the Kauravas to which your Jyeshth agreed. Now by his underhandedness, your brothers are given the part of Khandavaprasth-"

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