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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

ACT. 4 — SCENE 4.

Third Person's POV

Aadrika ran through the hall, giggles leaving her lips as she tried to hide from her mother. Her smile was so infectious that even the guards stationed in the hallways couldn't help but smile at the princess. Aadrika turned around, she could see that her mother was about to catch her now so she hid behind the leg of a guard. His tall structure easily hiding her small frame.

Yashaswani huffed as she stood in the middle of the hallway. She held her lehenga by one hand while her hand held a bit size piece of chapati that was supposed to be consumed by her daughter.

"Where has she gone now?" she questioned herself. Her eyes roamed around the hallway, looking at every corner, behind every vase that could possibly hide her, but her daughter was   nowhere to be found. She squinted her eyes. She looked up at the ceiling but looked down dejectedly.

'She won't be able to climb up to the ceiling,' she thought. 'But then one never knows, she is Kanha's daughter after all.' Yashaswani was about turn around when she heard shuffling of feet. 

She turned around and looked around, she stared at the soldier, who was trying to bring his legs as close as possible in an attempt to hide the princess. Yashaswani kept staring at him, hoping he would break under gaze but his loyalty to his little princess was unwavering.

"Why are staring at the poor man," Kanha said as he approached his wife, who was still staring at the guard, who was now sweating profusely.

"Your daughter," Yashaswani breathed out. "will be the end of me Kanha." Kanha looked at the piece of chapati in her hand.

"Oh," he gasped in realization.

"Why is she so stubborn?" Yashaswani muttered.

"Well, she clearly takes after her mother," Kanha couldn't help but answer.

"What did you just say?!"

"Since Aadrika isn't here then perhaps, I can go and eat butter, her brothers must be waiting for me," Yashaswani squinted here eyes at him.

"Nice attempt at changing the topic Manmohana but we will have a talk about it later."

"Mahoday," Kanha called out as he walked up to the guard. "Have you seen our darling rajkumari, she appears to be missing for a while now,"

"No--no Yadukul Shreshth," the guard stuttered.

"Such a pity, if only she were here, I was planning for a maakhan feast with all the children today. Nevermind mahoday," Aadrika could see her father's footsteps turning away, she knew it was an attempt to lure her out but what if it wasn't, what if he was going to actually eat the whipped butter. She couldn't risk it.

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