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─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───


Third Person's POV

Yashaswani sat in the corner of the hut while Veda Vyas talked to the rest of her family. She was in no mood to even see anyone's face. Neither did she drink or eat since the second she has been back. She didn't understand where was she at fault? She never won Draupadi in the svayamwar, she never gave the order to divide her among the brothers, then where was she at fault? Yashaswani thought back to the words that Kanha said to her in the forest.


Yashaswani walked in the forest as sobs escaped through her lips. Suddenly her dupatta got stuck in the tree. She turned and tried to pull it out but was failing in doing so. Tears clouded her vision making her fall on the ground, making her sob harshly. She felt her head leaning against someone's chest. 

"Cry, Radhe. Shed as many tears as you can because after this, I will not let the tears fall from your eyes."he soothingly said.

"Why did this happen to me, Mohana?" she asked between her sobs. "What was my fault?!"

Oh how he wished to tell her the truth but could he! Could he tell her that Maharaj Drupad wasn't at fault, he was just the means to fulfill fate of Yashaswani just the way Kunti did for Draupadi. Even if he did, not only wouldn't she understand but he would also be breaking his promise to her. So, he did what he has always done.

"You weren't at fault priye, the fault was in your fate, the fault was mine." They sat in a comfortable silence until the realization started dawning upon her, she was now cursed. Cursed to live a life of pain and suffering. She wiped her tears and pushed Krishna away from her.

 "Stay away from me!" Krishna stared at her, her hair was tangled, her face was slightly scratched by her bangles when she was wiping her face and her eyes, he sighed, her eyes were not showing anger anymore. They were now clouded with pain and fear. Fear of her loved ones getting affected by her curse.

"Why, priye? Why are you pushing me away?" he softly asked as he took her hands in his. She jerked his hands away.

"Don't move any closer!" she coldly said. "I am cursed, Mathurapati. I am cursed to live a life of suffering and I don't want you or anyone to be a part of. The more you are away from me, the better it will be for you."

"I got you priye." he said as he slowly engulfed her in a hug. "It's going to be okay; you're going to be okay."

"Please don't do this." she begged. "Don't act like you care about me. I am cursed to a lifetime of misery Mohana. You should stay away from me."

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