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ACT 2.— SCENE 17.

Third Person's POV

Yudhishtira sat on the seat placed in the sabha, taking deep breathes to calm himself. He looked around the court, he saw suitors from all Aryavarta, suitors who were challenged to shoot an arrow through the center of the target board and were failing in doing so. 

He gritted his teeth, trying to control his fury, is this what his sister deserved? The one who was an Atirathi herself, the one who was the most beautiful in the whole of Aryavarta, did she really deserve suitors who were not even capable of shooting an arrow. He dejectedly looked around, knowing that he had no control over the situation even though he hated it.

He could see his mother sitting at the balcony above the sabha, covered by a curtain. He could look at the stony face she carried, knowing that even she was controlling her anger. His mother could feel his eyes but before they could meet, he turned away, not having the courage to meet her eyes. He could see Draupadi placing her hand over Kunti's to console. Everywhere he looked, all he found was the people he wronged.

Yudhishtira glanced around, he could see Devavrat sitting with a dejected look on his face but that didn't come as a surprise to Dharma Raj. No one was unaware to the fact that she was his favorite granddaughter and to see her being humiliated in such a way was making him feel disconsolate. 'Maybe there is something that we do have in common.' Yudhishtira couldn't help but think. He looked at the Kauravas, who looked rather bored for they knew the outcome, he then looked at the empty seat of Gandhar Raj.

'Where is--'

"Pranipat putra." Gandhar Raj said, breaking Yudhishtira out of his trail of thoughts.

"Pranipat mamashree." he politely said, his brothers glared at Saubal.

"I don't see Rajkumar Arjun," Saubal meekly said.

"Neither do we see our sister mamashree." Sahadev retorted.

"Now--now putra she must be in her chambers, we all know how shy they get about their marriage," Shakuni answered.

"Well hope what you say is true for everyone knows, that anyone who even thinks of hurting our sister has to face our wrath," Shakuni gulped at elder Madrinandan's words.

"Seems like we have to continue the svayamvara without Rajkumar Arjun," Shakuni mumbled and sprinted away. Once out of earshot, Yudhishtira looked at his brothers in a disappointed manner.

"Is this how you talk to our elders?" he questioned.

"Not everyone one of us is good at the game of pretending Jyeshtha," Bheema said. Yudhishitira sighed at his words. He turned to look at the suitor who picked up the bow and shot the arrow, but it landed only a few feet in front of him causing the court to erupt into laughter. Yudhishtira shook his head downheartedly and prayed to the gods above to make sure that their plan works.

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