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ACT 2.— SCENE 5 .

Third Person's POV

It's been one year since Yashaswani has been at Dvarka, she has been enjoying her stay so far. Everyone there was just like a family. Krishna and her sessions were turning out to be beneficial as she now excelled dharma gyaan now making her equivalent to Yudhishtir and Vidur in knowledge in the whole of Aryavart. She sat at the temple and made flower garlands for her daily puja while Revati and Subhadra made the rangoli. Vatsala came towards her running, her one hand holding a scroll while other holding her skirt to prevent her from falling.

She panted as she stood in front of Yashaswani. "Rajkumari, a letter has been sent to you from Yadukul Shreshtha Krishna." Yashaswani frowned as she read the letter.

"Meet me in the garden." she read, she sighed as she got up. "Drink some water, Vatsu. Bhabhishree, Subhadre I will be back in a minute." she said as Revati looked at her with concern.

"Everything fine, Parthvi?" Revati asked.

"Everything will be fine, bhabhishree, especially when it's Bhrata Krishna." Subhadra teased making Yashaswani blush as she left for the garden. She dusted off the invisible dust from her clothes and moved towards Kanha, who was talking to Satyaki.

Yashaswani stood a few feet away from the duo as she wanted them to complete their conversation but kept staring at Satyaki, making him understand that he needed to leave which he obliged as Satyaki started coughing loudly.

"I think I will leave, also someone is here to meet you." Krishna already knew that she was standing at his back but he was enjoying his own time.

"Why are you leaving Satyaki? Stay. I think it's been long since we last talked." Krishna played. Satyaki smiled.

"I have no intentions of being murdered in my sleep Yadukul Shreshth. Allow me to leave." he folded his hands and started to leave but stopped next to Yashaswani.

"Doesn't matter how much you dust off your clothes, you will still look ugly." he whispered. Yashaswani was about to retort but Kanha interjected.

"Radhe? What are you doing here?" Kanha asked as Satyaki ran away.

"You sent me a message, don't you remember." she huffed.

"I forgot." he replied. She looked at him in disbelief.

"You forgot about the letter you sent me? You do understand that I ran all the way here thinking it must be something important."

"Not my fault, priye." he shrugged. "I have a lot of work to do. Unlike you, I ain't free."

"Of course you aren't. It won't be much of a surprise if you forget me one day." She grumbled.  He smiled at her with a loving look in his eyes.

"Priye, one forgets those things which are not worth but how can someone forget the main reason of their existence?" he said. "You are the reason that I live, look into my heart and you will only find yourself." Yashaswani's face was masked with an emotion that even Yadukul Shreshth  couldn't understand.

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