chapter- ११

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

ACT 1.— SCENE 11.

Third Person's POV

Upon arriving in Hastinapur, things weren't any better for the Pandu family. Since Panchali married all the five brothers, everyone considered it adharma. Duryodhan even started hurling abuses at Panchali in front of the whole maha-sabha to which Pandavas raised their weapons against him and Dhritrashtra being in putra-moh ordered to throw them into prison.

"Why are you tying my hands, what was my fault?" Yashaswani asked as the sainik (soldier) tried to bind her hands. Nakul laughed at her antics.

"Parthvi, if we go to prison, then you have to go with us to keep us company." he teased as Yashaswani cracked a smile and looked at Yudhishtira.

"Jyeshtha, isn't this injustice?" she asked. Yudhishtira sighed.

"It is, but if we do not obey the orders of the Maharaja, then why will the people obey his orders and it was also iniquity to take out our weapons in the assembly." he reasoned.

"You are right but did you think why you raised those weapons?" she asked. The brothers thought and started to understand of what she meant.

"You raised the arms to protect the honor of your wife which is not an iniquity." The brothers looked at her as they started to understand her point. "If we have committed a sin, it is our dharm to accept the punishment but if there is no fault, then accepting the punishment is nothing but foolishness." 

"But who will help us?" they all turned and saw Panchali standing their with tears brimming in her eyes.

 "Who will listen to you?"

"We will ask for forgiveness-"

"We won't." Yashaswani sharply said.

"But who will understand you?" Draupadi urged. Yashaswani looked in great thought until a smile formed on her face.

"I might know someone." she smirked.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Mahamahim," the das began. "Rajkumari Yashaswani wishes to meet you."Bhishma looked surprised. 

"Let her in."Yashaswani entered the room with her hands tied by rope, Bhishma looked at her hands confused. 

"Pranipat Pitamaha." she greeted, a smile formed on Bhishma's face. 

 "Saubhagyavati bhava putri!" he patted her head gently. Yashaswani smiled at him, oh how she has missed her grandsire. 

"How have you been my dear child?" he couldn't help but ask. It was a stupid question but he knew that his grandchild wouldn't judge him.

"Nothing so bad, Pitamaha," Yashaswani sassed. "Just would've been roasted to a delicious meal by my dear brother Suyodhana, other than that nothing has been so bad." Bhishma smiled at her. "Oh, and did I mention those straw beds, turns out I hate them, as much as I hated them back in the childhood." 

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