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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

ACT. 4 — SCENE 8.

Third Person's POV

Yashaswani stood outside of her tent. She rubbed her arms up and down gently, trying to warm herself against the chilly winds. The moon was at its brightest, Yashaswani could swear on Kanha's butter that it was shining brighter than Surya Deva.

Well at least someone's happy. She bitterly thought. The night was eerily quiet. All she could hear was the cackling of fire which was placed in front of the tents and the chirping of cicadas. 

She took a deep breath as she walked around, trying to clear the thoughts that were running in her head. She looked up at the moon, who has now reached its apex, indicating that the dawn was now approaching. Oh, how she wished that time would stop, and she wouldn't have to face the morning and events coming along with it. 

"What crime has Surya Deva committed for you wish such a thing?" Yashaswani shrieked as she turned look around at her husband who was grinning at her. She took deep breaths to calm herself down.

"One of these days I will end up dying by these actions of yours," she scolded him. 

"Not happening priye," he smiled as he side-hugged her, flushing her against his chest. "I will fight Yamaraj if need be." Yashaswani shyly smiled still not used to her husband's flirting.

"What are you doing at such an hour?" she questioned as they sat under a tree.

"I could ask you the same thing," he responded. Yashaswani pursed her lips. The storm of emotions in her eyes and her lack of answer gave her away.

"You are worried about meeting your brothers, aren't you?" he softly asked. Yashawani looked away from him, she got up and looked at the tents that were now far away from them.

"I am not worried about meeting them," she began. "I am worried about my reaction to meeting them."

"But why priye?" Krishna asked as walked up to her.

"If I tell you the reason, you will think of me as weak and pathetic," she lowly said. He turned her and made her face him. Her eyes now glued at the ground. He gently lifted her face with his index finger.

"I have loved you dear. I have loved every part you and nothing I have found weak and pathetic about you. If anything, you are one of the strongest person I have ever known." Yashaswani took a few steps back, her breathing now harsh.

"But I find myself pathetic,"

"But why priye?" his voice was now desperate, wanting to know the reason of his wife's pain.

"It's been thirteen years since the incident svami but for me it still feels like it was yesterday when my own brother gambled me, when Rajkumar Durbahu tried to disrobe me. How do I forget the faces of those cowards who have shown acts of valor in war but couldn't bring themselves to say no to the Maharaj and his sons. How do I forget the faces of my brothers, who rather saving their sister chose to turn their faces away when Durbahu was disrobing me?" She turned to look back at him. Tears in her eyes were now shining under the moonlight.

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