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Gaia, outside of Mt Delphi

After pinning the Oracle's murder on Takashi, Zeus waits to encounter a clone of Ares running to the sign marker.

"Father! It's good to-

He stops from seeing a mix of sadness and anger on his face.

"What happened?"

"The Oracle has been murdered."

Ares grips his spear with flaring golden-red aura.

"What?! Who could have done such a thing?"

"Takashi Watanabe."

The aura died down from the unexpected answer. His spear almost dropped to the ground.

"Y-You can't be serious."

"He ran his blade through her heart."

Ares' eyes widened. He couldn't believe it.

"That can't be! He saved the Trojans. He couldn't have done it!"

"People can hide their intentions well. I don't know why he did it."

"This isn't right, father. He would never do this!"

"Son, I know you have an attachment to him, but he needs to be captured and held accountable for his crimes."

"Father, wait. Let me find him. He can explain his side of things."

"He will just lie to you."

"Please", he pleaded.

"He has the power of Kronos on his side which makes him unstoppable against mortals. He would be stupid to fight against a god head-on. If you want to find him, go ahead. But make sure to bring him to me for additional questioning. I will let the other gods know to bring him in alive."

"Of course. Wait, who is Kronos?"

"He was your grandfather. Takashi somehow acquired his powers."

"Have you mentioned him before?", as he tilted his head.

"I did. He just died a long time ago so you probably don't remember."

"I'm going to find him now."

Zeus taps his son on the shoulder. He smiles that the effect of Mnemosyne's lamp is taking something from his mind. His free hand cradles the lamp behind his back. He didn't remove the entire memory of Taki's meeting with Ares, but a small detail that could lead to his downfall.

Ares goes off to find Takashi.

It's best I find him first. They won't go easy on him, the god of war thought.

He runs up the mountains to the scene of the crime to determine where Takashi had run off to. He sees the former Oracle covered up with a blanket to give her dignity. He consoles the new Oracle who's crying over her body.

"I'm so sorry."

She latches onto him and buries her head into his breastplate.

"Let it out. Let it out", as he pats her head. He hears a musical note come in from above and Apollo lands on the ground near the former Oracle. He's almost blinded by the nonstop tears sprinting down his face. He wipes the tears away to hold the former Oracle's left hand.

"Hello, brother. I'm sorry this happened."

The aroma of different wines enters the room before the respective deity. To the deities' ears, the steps almost didn't match Dionysus. Usually, they would be staggered going down the steps from all the wine he drinks. His steps are focused. He makes it to the final step while holding a see-through goblet of water in his hands.

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