Cat Is Out Of The Bag

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Artemis and Apollo follow Dionysus and Hemera's chariot. Dionysus assumes they want to talk with him about what happened.

Hemera points up to where they have to go so nightfall can take over properly. With a dried face, she motions to take the reins. Dionysus lets her take control. She leads them above the clouds and they arrive at a high temple with a symbol of the sun on top.

She lands the horse driven chariot inside the stables next to the former home of Helios. The deities get off the chariot and the horses drop their heads. Tears of ember sizzle upon hitting the floor.

"I know", Hemera rubs their heads. She brings over buckets of carrots and oats to feed them. They take a few nibbles before giving up entirely. 

"You need to eat to keep going for tomorrow. Do it for him", the goddess encourages. The horses neigh at her and stick their heads to eat in honor of their rider.

Dionysus comes over to her, not knowing what to say. Before he can open his mouth, he's greeted with a painful slap to his face.

"If you didn't hurt him, he would still be alive!"

The god of wine isn't angry with her. He feels he deserves that while looking at her in silence. Hemera then starts to regret her action as he did let her mourn for her best friend's death.

"I have no excuse for what I did. It wasn't right", he finally speaks.

"I know you want to avenge the Oracle, but why? You never cared about anything but partying and drinking? Why!?"

"Because she was like another daughter to me. Mina meant that much to me, but I never told her that. That's why I'm sober. It's not just to regain my killing instincts."

Hemera gasps and feels awful for questioning him.

"Don't feel bad for me. Something didn't feel right as I fought with these hands."

His hands begin to tremble significantly from withdrawal. "From experience, these hands would stop shaking for a while if I'm fighting for a just cause. Attacking Ares and Helios is proof that I was wrong. But I don't know why. I pray they can help", he nods his heads towards the twin children of Zeus and Leto.

Artemis clutches her chest as if something terrible had happened. Hemera goes to comfort her.

"Hemera, you need to be in the Underworld, right?", Dionysus asks to be clear of her duties.

"Right. I will drive the chariot from now on."

"Hemera, I will drive the chariot", Apollo declares.

"Brother, be serious. You know what happened the last time your rode it", the god of wine reminds him.

"I am serious. I have experience because of the multiple punishments. Let me help you so you can focus on your role. You have been through enough as is."

She silently nods to accept his help. She goes to leave.

"I will avenge Helios for you. That is my cause now", Dionysus tells her.

Apollo plays a tune and gives a physical manifestation of it to the goddess of the day. "To help you sleep. I will see you tomorrow."

Hemera tears up from appreciation before flying to the Underworld. She goes by the front entrance out of emotional exhaustion to see her brother Charon in the middle of putting souls on his boat.

He is surprised to see his sister there. He now understands why because of the news he had received. The deity of daylight steps on and the ferryman embraces her.

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