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Takashi screams for his nephews to run out of there. Facing both Zeus and a traitorous Hera was a suicidal move. He calls out for anyone to stop this madness. Although he could bring them back, more losses can break him.

Hera aims her fist at Heracles. A pressurized tremor flies out only to be blocked by Perseus' shield. The metal reverberates before being tossed away from the impact. Heracles twirls the trident and plunges it into a recovering Zeus.

She floats down while waving a hand forward. Captain Cheli and his men fire off a volley of hydro arrows at Heracles, Perseus, and even her own husband!

Zeus' eyesight returns to find his beloved attacking them with a tidal wave. A large shadow casts over them while white foam horses gallop. Soldiers hop on them to assist the Queen of Atlantis.

The king crackles out a lightning bolt to end them all within a single strike. From the left side of the crashing water, a tremor punch of a Level 11 Richter scale decimates him. He rolls along the ground before stopping.

He stops a slice of water with is bare hands to stop her next attack. She stomps her feet to push the sons of Zeus into the mouth of Charybdis!

The sea worm swallows them whole to Takashi's horror. Tears hit the colorless floor as he can't save them.

"Please. Please. Let me save them!"

A cold dark hand touches his back. He spins around and can't find anyone there. That same hand returns on his chest. Not to harm him, but to help. The image of the moon pops in his mind.

"Nyx? Is that you?"

His enhanced hearing picks up her voice. Nothing what he expected of one that terrifies Zeus. Although weak, her voice is sweet as a good night kiss.

"I...can't help out much...because of him. Can't talk...too much. Take this."

He notices the obsidian aura entering his body. He accepts all that he can get from her.

"I will free you, Nyx! I'm going to bring you and everyone back! I promise!"

Her black hand drops into the nothing. His FF3 form wavers from the addition of power. Something bubbles out of his throat. A volcano of a scream shatters the trap.

Zeus and Hera stop in the middle of their fight with hearts that sink to their stomachs. The black of Nyx's power wraps around Taki's FF3 body as armor for his chest, back and legs. He fires off slashes with his dual swords.

The couple dodges the black-emerald slashes; however, the shadows of the attacks did something unexpected.

Their steps stagger upon touching the ground. Like a wave of drunkenness hit them. Seeing more than double of Takashi Watanabe. The sight of golden aura cracking through the beast gives him partial relief as he engages the two of them.

Blood splatters from the underside, making Charybdis roar out. Soldiers back away as crimson iron flows out from the sharp strikes before a gaping hole comes out. A slimy Heracles has Perseus in his arms before jumping away. The sea worm's body collapses. Soldiers lose their footing from the loss of their asset.

Captain Cheli leads them forward to keep attacking.

Hera's plant sword materializes to block the blow, but the second-hand blade cuts across her chest. The short sword piercing into the ribs of the King. 

Hera throws a tremor punch at Taki, only for him to push Zeus as a shield. The god-king spits out a bolt. The impact knocks them all back. The Queen stomps her foot. A large circle is drawn into the ground. She pushes her hands down with flaring white-indigo aura. Zeus feels the pressure on his back, but Takashi's aided speed gets him out.

His next slice goes for her ribcage to deliver a fatal blow--the face of the terrified fish woman halts him. He speeds around her to deliver a back swing to the neck. He stops his blade from going through the woman. Her fishbowl eyes beg him to stop for her sake.

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