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The trio of gods wind up in the middle of a busy street. The people notice the gods and they bow before them while parting away.

"Where can he be? It's a large city with almost no end", as Apollo scanned the area. Dionysus finds a follower of Ares wearing his helmet pin on her robe.

"Excuse me, ma'am. We are here to meet with Ares. Is he here?"

"I haven't seen him today."

"Did he happen to stop by at all today?", the huntress asked.

"No. If he did, he would have spent time with his daughters."

Dionysus' left eye twitches as he turns away from the follower. His siblings know what it's like for him to be sober. He can be dangerous when he lashes out. He quells his anger to refocus.

"Let's get you a drink", Apollo suggested.

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

He summons a goblet of water and chugs it down. He summons a vine of grapes and eats a bunch while chewing the seeds.  His siblings feel his homicidal urges subsiding.

"Artemis, what is the name of Ares' partner?", Dionysus asked.

"Kynigos. Why?"

"Maybe he stayed behind."

"I can't find his footsteps anywhere."

"You said Kynigos?", the follower asked.

"You know that name?"

"Follow me."

The deities follow her to a cemetery, thinking the worst.

"Kynigos!", she called out.

An old man gets up from filling up a grave. A shovel is attached to where his right hand used to be.


The gods are confused. The old man sees them and bows to them while taking off the attachment and putting on a metal hand.

"Welcome to Thrace, my gods."

Isn't he supposed to be mute?!, Artemis thought with bewilderment.

"Are you Kynigos of Thrace?", Apollo asked.

"I am him."

"You're not mute?", Artemis asked for clarification.

"I have never been, my goddess."

Many questions run through her head as it doesn't line up with what Hemera and Helios said.

"Do you have any experience in hunting?"

"I'm actually the worst at it. I used to fight, but I'm now a grave keeper. My wife does all the hunting for us."

Artemis keeps her violent aura from leaking out.

"Did you see Ares today?"

"I haven't, Sir Apollo. Is it concerning the search for that foreigner?"

"Yes, but we will find him. Is there another man who shares your name here?

"The only other person was my son, but he died. Muggers got to him", as he looked down.

"I am so sorry for your loss."

"He was with the wrong crowd and I warned him. I just wish I could have done it sooner", he sighed.

Apollo gives him a gentle embrace and lets go of him.

"We will let you get back to work."

"It was an honor to talk with you."

Kronos (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now