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Throughout the night, Takashi grips the blanket beyond white knuckles. Another nightmare.

In the dream, he embraces Artemis out of joy that she's alive. That hug causes a sickening snap. His pupils shake as he sees her head dropping to the ground. He lets go of her body and scurries over to her head. A glare from her eyes stops him in his tracks. Her lips move to his horror.

"I told you to run out of there, uncle. Why didn't you listen to me?", the voice spoke with disappointment.

"I tried, but Zeus...he was too strong. He wouldn't let me leave. I'm so sorry, niece. I failed you, but I won't let it happen again", as he teared up.

"What about me?"

Taki turns in the direction of Hestia's voice....only to find a pile of her ashes speaking to him. His heart wants to leap out of his chest.

"I should have stopped you from coming with us. I'm sorry, sister. Please, forgive me."

"How can I? I trusted you, Taki."

"You can still trust me. I won't let you get involved again. I will make sure of that", he tried to argue.

"And what if you fail again? How many times will you reset to finally win?", Artemis' head asked with contempt.

"I will win this time! I will use my knowledge to outwit and defeat Zeus."

"No one can beat him. Not even you", Hestia replied with an unfitting coldness.

"There has to be a way."

"There isn't. Maybe you can go home after you give him your powers", the huntress proposed.

"I can't let him conquer my world."

"Then you should hide and never face him. There's no victory for you", Hestia replied.

"I won't do that. Penny is waiting for me!"

"How long will you make her wait?", the goddess of the hearth questioned.

"Shut up!"

He then sees a woman in front of him with her body cut in half. It took a moment before air leaves his mouth. An immense feeling of guilt washes over him.

Scylla before her curse.

She isn't speaking to him, but her death by his hands spoke a thousand words. It makes him sick to find the emerald blades in his hands.

"Why didn't you save me?", another familiar voice startled him. He spins around to find his long blade plunge through the Oracle's chest.

Blood runs down her body as she stares at him without blinking once. He is speechless as he steps back.

"You couldn't stop Zeus because of your weakness. Just like with them", as she pointed to what's left of the goddesses.

The guilt made him unable to defend himself.

"If only I was strong enough, I could have prevented all of this", he managed to say.

"So you finally admit it", the Oracle responded before falling to the floor. Not even a twitch left her corpse.

The nightmare isn't over as familiar footsteps approach him. He doesn't turn back to avoid another ounce of regret. 

The previous versions of Takashi surround him in a circle. The most recent version had burn marks from Zeus' lightning. The current Takashi looks down and away from his previous reset.

"I thought I was strong enough, but I guess we were wrong. It's all on your shoulders now."

That sentence shocks him awake. Shaky, warm breaths leave his mouth. He clutches his knees to his chest to calm his heart. Calming aura from the god of war touches him through the tent.

Kronos (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now