False War Pt 3

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Perseus and Takashi's blade clash! Taki is strictly defensive as he doesn't parry Percy's attacks. He only deflects and makes side steps to avoid his sword thrusts.

Echo, Medea, and Orpheus watch on for their turn once Perseus makes a clean strike to their prisoner. The witch prepares a knife with contents from her bag for her turn. They start questioning if his defensive method is really a ruse, just like his character. He hasn't made a single offensive maneuver during their fight.

Perseus' inner conflict rises as his gut and mind are telling him to stop attacking him. He stops for a moment to refocus. He reminds himself that the killer of his son is right in front of him. He shakes his head and surprisingly finds that Takashi has not made a move forward.

Perseus decides to use his demigod skills to get the best of him. He applies aura to his feet to get a speed advantage and goes for a decapitation. Taki manages to duck down and rolls back as Percy plunges downward.

The others are shocked as to how he's able to do this despite his aura channels being blocked. He seems to be an experienced fighter based on his skills.

Percy strikes again with a thrust, but Takashi gets within close space and knocks the sword out of his hand. He drops his too. Perseus instinctively resorts to hand-to-hand combat.

He goes for a hook, but Takashi pushes it away from his face. Percy sweeps his leg with a kick and he somersaults backwards to recover. He then goes for a double clap to the ears to discombobulate him, but Taki lowers them by force and goes in. Perseus goes for an upward knee that gets get forced down with hands.

Perseus is now confused as are the others. Instead of a tackle to the ground, Takashi gently embraces him. Percy feels like crying but stops himself thinking it's just a dirty trick.

He steps back to headbutt him, but Taki adjusts his head to Percy's shoulder and doesn't let go of the embrace.

For some reason unknown to Echo, Orpheus, and Pegasus, they start crying as numerous feelings come out. Medea's mind is weighing the options if Takashi was actually innocent. He could have made several dirty attacks in the embrace but didn't. It's like he's consoling Perseus for his loss.

The son of Zeus shoves him away. "You killed my son! I will never forgive you!"

His aura enhances his body to be like a weapon. Taki gets into a Pankration stance and he's able to keep up with some of the movements thanks to Dionysus' lessons as he deflects punches, kicks, knees, and elbows. 

Percy decides to tackle him to the ground and successfully does so. Taki puts up a guard to protect himself as Percy rains down punches.

Echo, Orpheus, and Pegasus notice something. Perseus is pulling back his demigod strength. Taki feels he is getting through to him as the punches barely sting. He finds an opening and does a guillotine choke before rolling over where he's on top. He gets off of Perseus and extends a hand to him.

It was like time stood still at that moment. There was some indescribable bond between them all. Perseus feels a deep connection like this wasn't the first time they met. That they were a f-

Perseus slaps his hand away and goes for a roundhouse kick from the ground. Taki deflects it but gets hit by a divine energy jab to the solar plexus. He hits the wall of the dungeon, leaving cracks from the impact. As soon as he regains his breath, he coughs up golden blood from the hit.

He uses the wall as support to stand back up. Taking another hit like that may kill him. The others don't intervene for their turn to attack Takashi.

Perseus goes for a divine cross punch, but Taki dodges. Percy hits the wall, leaving a large hole from the attack. Taki runs for his blade to have a fighting chance. Percy goes for the kill, but he stops himself. His body is refusing to hurt him. Taki picks up his second-hand blade to defend himself. He sees that Perseus is deeply conflicted.

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