Game Pt 3

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Many colored eyes watch as lines snake vertically and horizontally for domination. With a gasp, Takashi claims three squares in the corner and makes another line.

"Knowing how you are, how can you say you a justful god?"


"How many people did you hurt besides Medusa and Arachne?"

"Skip," Athena responds with venom behind her words.

"Was there a time you made a mistake with your judgment?"


Her lips close as the Kerie's sword lifts up. She squeezes her eyes shut while her arrogant heart curses the mortal for this predicament.

"Yes. Are you satisfied now?"

He shakes his head. "You had the choice to right them and chose not to. I'm disappointed that you call yourself a justful god."

Another verbal projectile that pierces her armor. She saves her sharp questions when it's her turn. 

I will not lose to another mortal. Just wait, anomaly. The Oracle favors me!

A wicked smile of her father rests on her face. Three questions have been won.

"How did you know the truth of Medusa?"

"Skip," while he forces his eyes to not react. He knows answering with the knowledge of Greek Mythology wouldn't be sufficient since Perseus told him.

Even without her helmet, the goddess reasons that something's amiss. His questions to her about the former priestess sounded like it was in the present tense.

"Is she still alive?"

His heart rattles. "Skip."

Echo grasps her grandmother's hand to keep her twisting stomach from taking her to the ground.

Athena's lips open--

"Takashi, will I ever find love?!"

Both participants quickly jerk their heads to a standing Hephaestus. Demeter's wheat-colored eyes widen accompanied from the others' gasps.

Athena bites her lip as she remembers the rule. "Any question from either side counts as well."

Her bright aura flares up from her brother's betrayal. But the Kerie's obsidian aura threatens her to try anything.

Takashi fights back against the confusion inside of him. Part of him wants to thank the fire god for the temporary refuge, but he still loathes what he did to Harmonia's trauma. The burning chains and forcing Ares to sacrifice himself in the prior timeline. Yet, his orange irises reflect a familiar feeling that he doesn't want to admit.

Maybe...He exhales while squeezing his eyes shut. His milk chocolate eyes shoot open from Aphrodite's aura giving him a proper answer.

"You will find love, but you must let go of Aphrodite first. Despite all of your actions, you're not irredeemable. Find your happiness without her."

The words settle between Hephaestus' ears. Every syllable trying to uproot the negativity inside his head. The thought of Eidothea's comforting relief intermingles with the mortal's words.

He sits back down to process his thoughts.

Athena's sky-blue eyes curse his existence. Once this game is over, you're next.

She draws another line to conclude her turn...

Squares populate the 9 x 11 grid. Volleys of verbal projectiles exchange to each other.

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