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The daylight of Hemera dances on the waters near Crete. Medea's twin dragon chariot descends for a proper landing. She grips the reins, hoping to change Aegeus' fate. Even if he doesn't want to remain married to her, she would still love him from the bottom of her heart.

The guards jump back from the hissing serpents. She throws a hand up to calm them down while shrinking her ride down.

She requests an audience with King Minos to discuss the recent news and any solutions. The guard sends a sparrow to deliver the message to the king. The same sparrow returns moments later.

"Come this way."

The guard leads the Witch of Colchis inside. Violet carpet leads up to the throne of the King of Crete. Minos strokes his wife's hand to calm her in front of the infamous witch.

She curtsies to him. "King Minos, thank you for allowing me to speak with you."

"Of course, Queen Medea. I heard it's about Takashi Watanabe."

"Indeed! Is Daedalus around to speak with?"

The king's breath hitches along with his wife. "Why?"

"Maybe he can construct something to stop this new threat to Gaia?"

Minos coughs. "He's busy with another project", he quickly says.

"Does it animal?"

Her veiled words widen his eyes. "How did you know?"

His index finger twitches. His guards aim their spears at her.

"I do apologize. I was peeking around different kingdoms for new information about Takashi. That beast caught my attention."

"Have you told anyone, witch?"

"I have not. It's not a part of my affairs to worry about that. I do ask for Daedalus' help in catching this new foe."

"I will not repeat mys-"

Her glowing hands halt his words. His guards stand back, afraid of what Circe's apprentice could do to them.

She exhales. "If I kill the Minotaur, will you let him and his son go with me? Gaia is on the verge of complete destruction."

The king strokes his long, curly brown beard to think......he agrees, thinking she would die. He tells his men to lead her to the entrance of the labyrinth.

Bellowing trails from the outside of the door. Hunger for new meat. Her body doesn't tremble since she faced worse than this. They open the door and close it tight. Torches illuminate the dark hallways.

Incantations mutter under her breath. Her hands spark with electricity. She forms a sphere while charging it for a singular killing strike. Her hair sticks up from the static charge. The humming alerts the beast. It runs on its bovine feet towards the witch. Seeing the beast widens her eyes, but her feet remain firm.

The thoughts of her son being channeled into the orb. The minotaur raises its axe--


The lightning magic tears through the center of the creature's chest. Its weapon clatters to the floor along with its body. Another incantation channels fire from her hands. The monstrosity burns to ashes.

She steadies her racing heart that it's all over. After alerting the guards, they open up to confirm the deed. The pile of ashes that belonged to the slain creature was enough.

King Minos sends a servant to inform and retrieve Daedalus and Icarus. The father and son come forth to Medea. Light hearts that the monster has been killed.

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