Prep Work

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The sounds of bird chittering accompany the daylight of Helios' bright sun. Takashi's nostrils perk up from the smell of cheesy frittatas, honey glazed bread, and porridge. He slowly sits up with a beaming smile on his face. Morpheus was right. The pleasant dreams gave him peace and the strength to keep moving forward.

His milk chocolate eyes notice everyone is preparing the table, except for the goddess of the harvest who's not in his sight.

He waves at everyone. "Good morning," he yawns.

"Good morning!" They shout at once which wakes him up.

"Come and eat!" Hippolyta pulls out a chair.

While getting up, he scrapes out the dirt under his fingernails. He sits down in the wooden chair. "Where's Demeter?"

Echo's iris flowers wither. "Grandma's still sleeping. I left her a plate but..."

He nods. "It must be a lot for her to take at once. Give her time."

Scylla eats but is stuck in her thoughts. She opens her lips, trying to get a word out. "Ta. Ta."

The others look at her with encouraging eyes.


He smiles. "That's right."

The nymph smiles that she finally made progress. Her feet tap the ground in anticipation of meeting Glaucus again. But she vows to herself to help her new friend as much as she can,

Charybdis gently taps her hands to relay the same sentiment. During breakfast, Takashi signs to speak with her.

"Who were you before?"

Her turquoise aura reveals her answer. When her father, Poseidon, feuded with Zeus over the lands, she helped him by engulfing them with water. The god-king's wrath was reflected by transforming her into that hideous monster.

He signs. "I'm so sorry."

"I will help you while getting my vengeance."

Taki waves his arms. "No. I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

"It's my choice", she dismisses his words.

He looks at Scylla and the others. "Please. I just don't want-"

Hippolyta bangs her hand on the table. "Listen. We each have our reasons against Zeus, but it's to help you too. If it's my time, so be it."

Her courageous words sweep away his arguments.

"Cadmus and I will stay with Hades while you and the others go ahead," Harmonia gives him a measure of peace.

"And I will help you get to Mt Olympus."

They turn to Demeter's feathery voice. The ends of her black robe flow with each step.

Takashi stands up with care. "You don't have to. I won't force you-"

Demeter shakes her head. "You and Nyx need me. I can't let either of you down."

He exhales. "I won't make you fight. Okay?"

The goddess understands with a nod. Hurting him is something she won't let happen again.

Echo gently stands up and closes the distance. She spreads her arms wide as an offer.

The goddess of the harvest slowly wraps her arms around her granddaughter. The closing embrace brings a memory between them.

Little Echo bouncing on her knee. Laughter and joy shared between the two of them. Her grandmother placing seeds on her crown. Kissing each bud to make them bloom.

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