False War Pt 1

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April 8th before 6am

Hemera goes to Helios' former temple. Apollo is already in the helm of the chariot. They nod to each other and ride out to start the day. They know what to do with the plan.

Athena's forces are camped outside of Nemea and from her aura are able to see Spartan forces of a similar size. Her divine hearing picks up some quick footsteps and the fluttering of wings. Hermes is there with Dionysus holding onto his staff for transport.

The god of wine lets go of it to be on solid ground while Hermes descends. Artemis gets there second in her normal form. Athena's forces and the Spartans are surprised to see them.

Both armies quickly bow to them out of respect. Athena's servants do the same.

"You came to help me, siblings?", the goddess of wisdom asked.

"Yes. I heard that Eris can be unpredictable. I came to make sure she doesn't hurt your side", Artemis bluffed.

"Much appreciated, but I should be fine."

The goddess of wisdom notices that Artemis isn't pulling her silver bow and arrows out. She only takes out her hunting knife.

"Projectiles don't work against her?", she assumed.

"Not willing to risk losing an arrow against her."

"I think brute force will be appropriate for what she did to Mina. She deserves nothing less than that", the god of wine asserted while doing shoulder circles.

"Mina? Oh, you mean the previous Oracle. I'm surprised you remembered her name."

The god of wine holds himself back from attacking her right away for that awful comment. His serious glare almost makes Athena's heart tremble. She internally wished that he was drunk and far away from her.

"I do apologize. She was a sweet girl. We will begin the ceremony once the sun rises. Will you fight too, Hermes? Shouldn't you be mourning right now?"

The messenger god resists looking her in the eyes for what she said. He pulls out a scroll and has an ink set ready to write down today's events.

"I'm here to do my job. If you all fail, I will put Eris down in honor of Aphrodite."

"You doubt my power to stop her?"

The god of thieves is quiet as a response. Athena dismisses the silence.

"I just want to say I'm deeply sorry about her. Ares was-"

"I know she wasn't the target. She told me what happened. Will Ares be taken care of after Eris?"

"Certainly. Takashi will join him to be punished as well for running away from me. Will that be okay, sister?", she asked Artemis.

"Let's focus on Eris first before we get ahead of ourselves."

"The wisest thing you ever said to me."

Dionysus quickly steps in front of Artemis as he sees her knife hand is trembling. She wants to kill her for everything she put her through. He warms up in front of her as a distraction. She later taps him on the shoulder and turns his head down to her. Her eyes have softened to hide the fury deep within her. He steps away from her.

Athena looks overhead and sees rays of the sun lighting up the area near Nemea.

"Because Apollo will be busy, I will conduct the ceremony on his behalf. I remember what to do", Dionysus instructed. The goddess of wisdom nods. Hermes is writing the events as it happens.

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