War Prep

5 2 0

April 7th

Before the sun rises, Selene and the others wake up in a fright after feeling Poseidon's presence. They get their weapons and head towards Bellero's room. Selene is scared that something has happened to her best friend as they open the door. Selene and the others are relieved to see that Bellero was the one behind that aura. They lower their weapons. Bellerophon opens his eyes and sees the look on their faces with scrolls all around him. He pulls his aura in.

"I'm so sorry, everyone."

Selene waves the other women away and they go back to sleep. She checks on her friend.

"Thank the gods that it was just you. It really felt like Poseidon to us. What are you doing?"

"I wanted to learn more about demigods and I'm practicing what I read so far."

"You're looking to help us out in case something happens", she figures.

"I won't let anything happen to you, Selene. I will protect you like I did last time."

"Okay. I won't stop you. So what can you do so far?"

"Manifesting it so far. I can already do this."

He waves his hands around. The water in the tub gets drawn out and he puts himself into a sphere of water. His scales display over his body with webbing in between his fingers and toes.

Selene is left in wonder. With a wave of his hand, the water separates between them. He playfully splashes cold water at his best friend. She laughs and she smacks the water to get back at him. They splash each other for a bit while laughing quietly. He puts the water back into the tub after finishing.

"There is something else I can do. I feel there's something there to tap into, but...

"But what?"

Bellero touches his chest.  "Like a new form, but I'm scared of it. It's powerful, but I feel like I might lose control."

Selene touches his hand.  "I can't tell you what to do. Just know that I will support you."

The demigod clasps her hand. That's what he needed to hear.

"I'm going to give it a try, but I need you to leave the room."

Selene listens and closes the door behind her. She takes out a mirror and slips part of it under the door to witness the transformation.

Bellero taps into his aura and the form he wants to master. Selene, looking through the mirror, sees him grow larger in stature. Bellero's dorsal fin enlarges like a fan. Sharp claws form on his hands and feet. His circular pupils have been replaced with slitted ones. His mouth opens as he breathes heavily, and she sees rows of sharp teeth. Her eyes can't look away from witnessing this appearance.

Part of her is terrified, but she remembers this is her best friend. She can't leave him.

Bellero's transformation is now complete. He hesitantly looks at the reflection of the water. He touches his face and body to remember what he looks like.


He exhales from surprise of the underlying growl in his voice.

"I'm still here", after clearing her throat.

Not only can he hear her, he can also smell the wine off of her. A destructive urge begins to build inside the demigod. His mouth salivates with drool falling to the floor. His new instincts want him to try his claws and teeth out on someone.

Bellero's feet shift towards the door. His right claw reaches out to the door, but he puts his left claw on his arm to push it down and away.

"F-Focus. I-I-I'm in control."

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