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Ariadne is lying on the bed with her eyes on the door. She wraps her arms around her torso to pass through the anxiety. Footsteps approaching the door makes her hold her breath.

Knock knock knock knock. Rapid and consecutive.

She jumps out of bed with a beaming smile and rushes towards the door. Her husband's roughed up, but he's here. She buries her head into his tattered shirt.

"It's over, my love. Eris was defeated. Takashi Watanabe was also there along with the other gods."

Ariadne kisses him deeply while closing the door. A disturbing thought stops her.

"What about Athena?"

"We have to assume that Athena's alive until otherwise."

"Alright. We will be like low-level bandits then", as she cups his face with her hands. She shortly cuts her laughter.

"How do you feel after defeating Eris?"

"It doesn't undo what she did, but we can leave a somewhat peaceful life without her interference."

"I will take that as a victory then. Let's celebrate for now. You made me worry about you."

Theseus tilts her face up and gives her a passionate kiss. He quickly disrobes and they make love to release the stress between them. After their session, he wraps an arm around her belly.

"I'm done living the warrior life. It's time I focus on our family now."

"I can't wait", she whispers. He kisses the back of her head. Although something is bothering him, he ignores that feeling. He won't worry his wife anymore.


Meanwhile at Artemis' temple, Takashi and the others are mourning their loss over Ares. Psyche and Eros produce a powerful barrier to keep everyone safe with Artemis' dogs keeping watch. Harmonia is a blubbering mess as Eros cries with her.

Helena consoles her "mother" through another difficult loss. She imagines all of that pain and wonders how Artemis is pushing herself. A boat on still waters with no oars, sails, or wind.

Echo quickly joins the group hug.

Medea is resting off to the side with her 10-year-old son who has her eyes and brown curly hair. He lays her head on his lap.

"What happened, mother?"

"They lost some family members."

"That's sad. May I offer my condolences?"

"Later, Medus. You have a pure heart", as she strokes his hair. Definitely from your father.

Takashi is helped to bed since he can't move a muscle. His body twitches involuntarily as Heracles and Perseus keep watch over him. Tears stream down his face. Despite getting his voice and power back, his family has gotten smaller.

On Earth, Penny feels Taki's immense grief while feeding their daughter. Karisa fusses as Penny rocks her.

"Things will be okay. Taki, I wish we can hold you right now. Please take my words in mind."

Although he "hears" her words, it isn't reaching him.

He thinks about his promise to bring back those who have died. He questions if he could even bring them back if he had both powers. His words will only cause them more pain if he fails to do so. For Artemis and the other gods, it will last forever.

He shakes his head. He reminds himself that if Zeus can remove the dead, he can do the opposite. He will just have to take his powers. Time passes.......

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