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The man with raven-colored hair stumbles right through the staffs of wheat. Her wheat-colored eyes open in shock from the sight of the new person. A 5'10 lean man with facial features not matching a Greek.

Tears stream down from his chocolate eyes, but he wipes them to see her better.

A six-foot goddess with her black robe flowing from the autumn wind. Red poppies decorating her bare feet like a garden. Wheat-colored eyes that match her complexion and wild curly hair. She takes a step back out of concern.

He stands still to avoid a misunderstanding. "Demeter, my name is Takashi and I need your help", he gently speaks to her.

Wisps of orange, green, white, and gold surround her body from hearing that name. The names of her nieces and nephews dying because of him. Her eyebrows narrow with hardened eyes.

He understands her anger and kneels slowly down. "I didn't hurt them. Nyx led me to you for your help. I need you right now."

The certain name brings a calming warmth to her heart. She can almost picture what she looks like. Her aura touches the stranger to investigate him. The emerald aura inside him stirs her trembling hand. Like chains, the staffs of wheat yank his body down to the ground. They wrap him around while his body begins to sink into the earth.

"Wait! Demeter, I need your help!"

Her fists clench. "You will not hurt me again!"

His mind quickly realizes that the myth of Kronos eating his children was real. And she somehow remembered it despite Zeus' intervention with the lamp. He uses emerald aura around himself for protection which only made the natural chains wrap tighter around him.

"I'm not your father", he grunts while tasting the golden blood in his mouth. "Keep looking into me and you will find Nyx's aura! I will not let Harmonia and Cadmus die!"

A rectangle of earth opens to serve as his grave. She will never forget being stuck in her father's stomach. How dark and empty it was. Light finally broke through only to bring her misery afterwards. How her two brothers had violated her. How she wanted to die--

Her thoughts are stopped by the eyes of Scylla at her door. The nymph's cerulean eyes beg the goddess not to harm him.

 The Goddess of the Harvest brings Taki back to the surface with the wheat holding him in place. He cuts off the aura to assure he's not a threat to her.

"Don't move", her feathery words reach his ears.

Her calloused hands touch his chest. Demeter's aura reaches beneath the surface of her father's energy. Her jaw drops. Her eyes well up as something fills her mind. The security and peace when Persephone would leave for the Underworld. 

She releases him from her trap while taking steps back.

He takes quick breaths to get his words out. "Please save them from Hephaestus! I will tell you everything."

The goddess lifts his head up with softer than petal hands. Her Olympian aura of the four seasons swirl around her.

"Just keep your distance from me...Please", her eyes beg him.

He nods his head in understanding. The goddess' feet plant firmly before jumping through the air. Takashi sees the rapid winds of autumn aiding their master to land at the battlefield. 

He taps his chest. "Zone. FF2!" He rushes over to save the people who gave him much needed relief.


Wisps of white, orange, green, and gold frighten the fire god and everyone there.

"Theia Demeter?"

Kronos (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now