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August 29th, before the crack of dawn

Takashi's screams for help sends multiple pairs of feet towards him. Hippolyta's red aura lights the way in the darkness of the temple. The others follow without lighting a torch.

Echo stops and gently holds his hands. "What's wrong?"

He keeps himself calm to explain Hephaestus' sneaky presence. " was like he was-"

"Looking for Aphrodite", Chloe rightly assumes.

"Please drop me off at Demeter's."

The mountain nymph shakes her head. "You can't be alone-"

He couldn't contain the feeling in his throat. "I can't risk any of you getting hurt! Not....again", his voice nearly breaks.

The Amazon Queen places a gentle, but firm hand on his shoulder. "You won't go alone. Echo and I will be with you in case he tries again."

"What about them?" His milk chocolate eyes look at the servants of the fallen deities. The thought of the forge deity using them as ransom is a strong possibility.

"We have love dust. We will say that you escaped, and we will misinform everyone else", Chloe asserts. The others nod in agreement.

An Amazon warrior in a bear cloth dress grips her spear. "Plus, we will stay to protect them too."

The reassuring statements nibble away at his numerous thoughts. "I don't know what will happen so.....try and live out your lives."

Adonis pulls Chloe by the waist to agree with his statement. "No matter what happens next, keep going."

A faint smile threatens to tug at his lips, but he just nods. He and the divine beings rush to pack things for Eleusis. He skips a bath to ready his belongings.

Nyx, help me with Demeter. Please. I don't know where to go from here.


Still peering out the window, Hephaestus bangs his fist against the wall. Pieces of mountain drop down to the depths below. Flames dance around his torso.

I'm not stricken with madness. I felt her.....Where did she go?!

He decides to pursue the thoughts in his head. The Corinthian temple is all he needs. He goes to his roaring fireplace and gazes into it. Questioning the lack of torches at the temple, he waits for fortunate timing. The streaks of orange crack from the pull of Helios' sun.

Any source will do. Anything to reclaim my beloved.

The god of fire sees his chance and seizes it.

A farmer lighting up his oven jumps back with a fright. The oven breaks from the size of the Olympian in his wheelchair. The pin symbol of a flaming hammer on an anvil sends the farmer into a bowing position.

"Forgive me, Lord Hephaestus! I-"

The god raises a hand to silence him. The wheels roll out of the area. Pulling a hammer out of his workbag, he hits the debris a few times. The eyes of the mortal almost pop out of his eyes. The oven had been fixed with no visible cracks.

"I'm on a manner of business. Enjoy your day."

The mortal opens the door for him. Hills greet the Olympian with the highest hill as his goal. Directing divine aura and flames into his movable chair, he pushes.....

Streaks of fire trail behind him. He yells for those to get out of his way or suffer his wrath. The vendors abandon their livestock-


The unlucky cattle bellow from the pain before turning into ashes.

He uses his aura as a launching pad to carry his momentum.

The Greek deity lands right inside the Corinthian temple. "APHRODITE! WHERE ARE YOU?!"

Silence responds to him. His golden aura seeks for her or any presence of her servants. The temple is empty, except for particles of love dust that he feels out.

Despite the confirmation of her death from his father, he doesn't second guess his mind. He knows he felt her.

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