Battle of the Gods

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Athena hovers in front of Takashi and the others after muting him. She will not allow anything impure to touch her fair skin. Theseus reluctantly stands down to avoid upsetting her.

"Athena! Give him back his voice! He is innocent of his crimes!", Ares glared with fiery red eyes.

     "And let him escape again? Brother, you and Aphrodite have been hiding this from us. For that, you are traitors to Mt Olympus and deserve the maximum punishment. Takashi is also guilty for the attempted murder of Ariadne. Letting him speak will endanger us all. Get out of my way and I will tell father to leave you and her alone. He will face his jud-

Ares chucks a quick spear at her head, but it is blocked by her spear. Ares, at that moment, scoops up Takashi to take him away from Athens. He goes to use love dust, but Athena's owl takes the pouch. He throws a knife from his hip which is blocked by her barrier. She traps the two of them with an enclosed structure of light.

"What you did just sealed your sentence for everyone involved. I will make sure her followers will pay the price as well", Athena stated chillingly.

Something rumbles inside the god of war from that threat, but he remembers the people around him. He flashes a bit of vermillion aura into his hand and punched the barrier....shattering the whole thing into shards to Athena's surprise.

There was another meaning behind his action. Elsewhere, Artemis and Apollo feel Ares' energy and head to Athens right away on his musical note.

"He is innocent and we have proof! You are supposed to be a bringer of justice. Do your role!", Ares demanded while calming himself. Athena grips her spear.

"You dare speak of my role? Fine. What proof do you have that he didn't kill the Oracle nor the people in Boeotia?"

"Briseis can reveal the truth to us. I trust her judgment."

"Denied. She will lie because he saved her people. Why not the new Oracle?"

"Because father could lie through her! Zeus killed the Oracle and Mnemosyne! Takashi didn't hurt Ariadne. It has to be Eris. Eris was also the one who switched the flags on your ship!", he explained the last part to Theseus.

This revelation shocks him. His bare feet didn't detect any lies from the god of war. The demigod lowers his weapon and Adonis lowers his bow in response.

"Theseus, you can't believe them without solid proof. They just accused my father of wrongdoing", Athena disputed.

"Goddess, please don't take this the wrong way. Bring this Briseis here so they can defend themselves. They have a right to do so."

Athena kills the scowl from forming on her face. Although she had the upper hand, she can't risk going against her role as a bringer of justice. This will hurt her chances of overpowering Ares since her true power comes from-

"Fine. Ares, go to Aeolia with the love dust and bring her back here. These followers of Aphrodite will not be punished by the gods."

Athena's owl flies back and drops the pouch, but Ares blocks an attempt on Takashi's life. It was too fast for him to see, but Ares blocked the strike coming from Dionysus! The impact makes the surrounding buildings shake.

"Brother, stop!"

The god of wine isn't listening as pure rage drives him to take Taki's life. His heavy breaths accompany each focused strike. Ares blocks the attempts at full power and goes to take the bag of love dust.

He throws Taki over to Adonis and Chloe as he fends off Dionysus. The trio begins to run.

Ares summons spears to trap Dionysus in place without hurting him, but the sober god nimbly evades the attempts. He takes a spear and throws it at Takashi. Ares summons his own soldiers to take the hit so no one else will get hurt. Theseus makes a decision.

He summons walls to cut off Dionysus from reaching Takashi.

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