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Victory and a calm peace wash through the Watanabe household.

Penny dances with a babbling Karisa in her arms to celebrate her husband's victory. She plants kisses on her bronze cheeks. "That's your dadda!"

Aiko opens up a bottle of white wine and chugs some down. "Ah! I better save some for later, knowing how he is."

"Save me some too," Penny jests.

"Wah!" Karisa lets out a grunt. The women laugh thinking she was trying to get some alcohol.

Her mom adjusts the pink bow on her hair. "Too young, to paidi mou. I promise that we will drink together."

Aiko walks over and kisses the top of her granddaughter's head. "I can't wait to teach you some drinking games. Oh, let's call the others and-"

She stops herself, thinking it's too early to celebrate. The fact that her son may go through more obstacles on top of Zeus almost cripples her hope. Her right foot can't stop tapping.

The firm grasp of her hand settles her unease.

The bright smile of Taki's bronze goddess solidifies her hope. "He's on his way back. Despite the months apart, I know he won't give up. One of many qualities I love about him."

Aiko gently wraps her arms around her and her granddaughter. "I just wish it would be sooner." Her body trembles. "Hikari doesn't have long," a few tears escape her eyes.

Hearing her grandmother's trembling voice makes Karisa cry out.

"He will make it back in time," Penny embraces them tighter. "I know he will save her."

The three stays in that embrace until Aiko's body becomes as still as a lake. She takes a tissue from Penny before blowing her nose.

A giggle from Karisa's mouth lightens the atmosphere along with her grumbling tummy.

While Penny feeds her, a freezing shiver runs down her spine. She holds her daughter close to her heart.

Taki, what's happening to you?

That same shiver passes onto Greg and Misha. Their hearts almost skip a beat for their beloved friend.

Even Hikari, who's resting in bed, grips the handles of the hospital bed.



Crack! "Faster, slaves!" Crack! "Faster!"

The young and old Trojans continue to toil with their carts of coal. A shackled Avgi pushes her feet against the dirt to push her filled cart. Her toes lose traction, sending her body to the unforgiving ground.

A guard readies his whip. The little girl crosses her bruised arms to protect herself. The Trojans plead him to-



Gasps fill the air. Avgi opens her eyes. The chains around her wrists are gone. The guard is now on the ground with a sword aimed at his throat. Glimpses of the raven-haired warrior pop into her mind like bubbles.

Eyes almost pop out from the Trojans and guards. Three Olympian deities stand tall with two pairs of eyes filled with fury. The belt of the Amazonian queen slaps against the ground. The camp shakes from her action.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Stavros exits his tent before the end of Hippolyta's belt coils around his throat.

With a quick pull, she slams him down near his men. Cracks form from the impact. The scarred slave master's eyes widen from the sight of the three Olympians.

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