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The coral around the underwater kingdom shimmers from the moonlight touching it. Psari rests her tired body against the leg of Poseidon's former throne after cleaning it. Anything to keep her mind busy.

She stirs up from the blasting of trumpets for the return of the Atlantean army.

Her large eyes widen that they are returning without Cetus. And without Captain Koto with them.

Cheli acknowledges her with a nod before ordering his soldiers to rest in their homes. He meets with the former maiden of Poseidon who has numerous questions in her eyes...

"HOW COULD YOU?!" Her tears float up while pounding his chest.

"He didn't kill Poseidon. It was Zeus." His tail wraps around before her body gives up on her.

He pulls her into a seat for proper rest.

" he like?"

"An interesting human. I feel like...I met him before. He's-"


The eel commander's eyes meet hers. The fish maiden's mind recollects thoughts of the foreigner. Glimpses of his strange emerald blades don't startle her. Safety and assurance were in his clenched hands.

"If-If that's the case, what do we do now? Will he bring back our king?"

Cheli closes his eyes. "I haven't asked, but I will do so after some rest. Come to my home. My wife will prepare the extra room for you."

"I'm fine," she yawns before finally relenting to his request. Soft sheets are wrapped around her for rest that she had never taken. She closes her eyes in the hopes that Atlantis will be back to normal with Zeus punished for his crimes.


Before Takashi's alarm goes off, a knock is heard on the stone door of the Underworld. One knock is followed by several faster than a horse. The others stir from their comfy beds from the startling noise.

Demeter pushes her bushy hair out of the way. A slight detection of her aura reassures them that they aren't in danger.

The silent skeleton guards near the door open it.

A burst of sunlight runs into the room and almost tackles Takashi to the cold floor! Everyone but Demeter, Athena, and Hephaestus is blinded by the overwhelming light.

"Mother! You're here!" Hemera exclaims while keeping the warm embrace. The sensation of touch instills doubts in her mind. Her bright eyes notice the jet-black hair that doesn't belong to her mom.

She pushes back a bit to inspect the stranger. Nyx's energy within the mortal told her everything. The bright light extinguishes with quivering lips.

"I'm so sorry. I thought that mom..."

A gentle grip grasps her hands. Determined milk chocolates look up at her face.

"I will bring your family back. I promise."

The corner of her lips curl upwards. Another tight embrace cracks some pressure from his back.


"It's okay," he grunts.

The goddess of daylight lets go. "Forgive me. I'm Hemera."

His mind recalls a prior timeline incident. Zeus removing Apollo, Helios, and her from Gaia. His hands clench before releasing.

"I am Takashi. Nice to meet you."

"My brother, Morpheus, told me all about you. I will do my part to help. I can ask Helios to go near Olym-"

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