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Nimble footsteps follow the sound of heavy steps on their way to Athens. The brass armor covers Takashi from head to toe with a helmet covering his face except his eyes.

Taki follows his lead as Ares watches out for Helios. When Ares crouches down, Taki does the same thing. He can't risk screwing up his mission at this time. He sees a sign that points to the city of Thebes and has an idea.

"Ares, can you deliver a message for me?", he whispered.

"Right now?"

"I know someone who could help us in case things go wrong."

Ares knows he's talking about Heracles who lives in that area.

"Make it short", he hurried.

He gives him paper, ink, and a feather. Taki scribbles out a quick message that reveals that he knows the identity of who cursed him with madness, how they know each other, and that he promises to help Heracles in his mission if he does the same. And to meet him in Athens in a particular location.

He gives it to Ares while giving him the location through his aura. The god of war splits off another clone that looks like a messenger. He hands him the note and the messenger runs off in that direction.

"Let's keep moving."

Taki understands and they keep moving...... 

Ares then throws his right hand up. He points up and Taki can see the sun chariot that belongs to Helios. He remembers what that god did to him on his flight with Icarus, so he keeps quiet. He remembers the woman flying in front of the chariot. She once told Helios to leave him and Icarus alone.

Helios and Hemera are keeping a close watch for anything that can lead them to the killer. He rides around in circles and he's not moving away as he goes to sense aura. Even with Takashi calm, he can still be found out. Ares looks at him and takes charge.

"Helios! Hemera!", he called out to them. Takashi calms his nerves.

The duo hears and sees Ares and a soldier coming out of the forest. Helios keeps his chariot going as they talk. Hemera watches on.

"Ares! I didn't expect you to be out here."

"I'm still recovering from the wound he gave me, but I'm keeping an eye out in case he comes back."

Helios and Hemera understands that this is a clone of Ares since they know the original is in Aeolia.

"I wish we could have your full help, but I understand why that is. Is this another clone?", she pointed at the man.

"He's actually from Thrace who requested to aid me in my search. I can trust him since he's good at setting up traps. We might catch him soon."

"That is great to hear. What is your name?", Helios shouted down.

"He doesn't speak. But he communicates through sign language. His name is Kynigos."

Takashi uses some sign language he had learned from Perseus.

"What did he say?", the daylight deity asked.

"He said that he won't let you down and that he will risk his life to stop the killer."

"What a great man he is. He sounds reliable. Where will you go to check?", the rider asked.

"Probably Marathon. I sent a clone to Thebes for more information."

"If you hear anything, let us know!"

"I will."

Helios and Hemera go back to their duty as light-bearers while keeping a lookout. Takashi knows he has to keep up the ruse as he remains "mute" on the way to Marathon. If they deviated from the route, they would get suspicious.

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