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Heracles goes straight to the blacksmith while keeping his hood on and crouching down to hide himself from the public's eyes. He doesn't make any strange movements to arouse further suspicion from the owl. If he kills it, Athena will know. He finds the blacksmith sharpening a customer's sword. In the very back of the shop is a pair of wings.

"Welcome, sir. How can I help you?"

Heracles takes out a list that the inventor gave him and shows the blacksmith.

"I'm running an errand for Daedalus and he needs this much raw nickel and copper."

"Say no more. Daedalus has been a great help to our city. With these wings, they make travel and the job a little easier. Still a bit of a workout, but I need it. Wait right here."

The blacksmith goes in the back. People hustle and bustle about behind him. Heracles taps his foot from being around everyone. He was used to the self-isolation.

He reminds himself that he is here to avenge Megara and his sons. He will overcome this for them.

He overhears people talking about the news, usual talks about Takashi and other matters of business.

"Do you think he would ever come here?"

"Shhhh. Don't wish that upon us!"

"We shouldn't be afraid since our goddess will protect us. Do you doubt her?"

"I don't doubt Athena one bit. She has been reaping victories left and right. Her side won the Trojan War and those monsters are finally dead."

"That's true. It's a good thing that the liar was killed by Perseus."

The demigod's ears perked up as he couldn't help but pay attention to their conversation. That name sounds familiar to him for some reason.

"Excuse me. I don't mean to intrude on your conversation. Who did Perseus kill?", Heracles asked.

"I wouldn't even call it a person. But that monster's name is Medusa."

"She's the one who could turn people to stone with a single gaze?", he clarified while his thoughts formulate.

"That's the one. That creature deserved it for what it has done to our people and for disgracing our goddess in her temple."

"What did she do again?"

"That whore had sex with Poseidon to mock our goddess. Athena punished her and she killed servants with her gaze."

"Good riddance to that monster", an Athenian man commented.

The demigod hides his clenched fists under his cloak. Anger and sorrow mix despite not being there at the time. Like what they are saying isn't true at all. He can't explain why he is feeling a certain way about this situation.

Heracles pushes that to the back of his mind to refocus on the task at hand. He sees the blacksmith has come back with two separate bags marked with respective letters.

"May you have a good day."

Heracles takes out the pouch of money and pays the blacksmith for his work. He grabs the bags of raw metals and walks back to Daedalus' house.

A hooded customer returns with a woman by his side to the blacksmith. The owner doesn't mention his name to give him privacy. He gives back the sharpened blade and refuses payment.

"It's free. Thank you for saving my future children from that monster."

"You're welcome, sir", Theseus somberly expressed.

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