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California, 6am

The beeping of her monitor becomes Hikari's white noise to help her sleep. She struggles to shift her blanket to keep her head warm from the frosty AC in the room.

Several vases of flowers paint the white room with much needed color. Faint footsteps outside her door attend to other patients in the ward. A sense of warmth opens her eyes slightly.

A genuine embrace from her little brother that he's returning to them soon. She crosses her arms over the blanket to accept the hug.

"Otuoto (little brother), everything will work out for you. You went against impossible odds before and this is...a lot different," she almost chuckles. "I can't imagine the pain you're feeling in Gaia. Just know that we are rooting for you. That you will find your way back to us...And I'm sorry."

She fights back against the tears in her eyes. "I take that back. I will be right here ready to punch you in the arm and mess up your hair. As many times as I can. It's too bad you can't do the same to me."

She looks over to the reflective mirror in her room. The headscarf hides the results of chemotherapy on her.

Although it's been helping, the number four can't get out of her head. She thinks about her brother's reaction to hearing how much time she has left.

A brave smile graces her face. He will heal me with what he has. I know it.

Her eyelids close with that hope in mind.


Greg sleeps in his bed with a smile on his face. Taki's presence in his dream of them tossing back beers and catching up from the time they had lost. He chuckles that Taki will be a real superhero with those powers over time. All the good he can do.

His best friend wraps his arms around him. "I missed you, man."

"I missed you too."

Misha rubs the circles under her eyes from another late-night medicine delivery. Several empty energy drinks serve as her passenger. As she parks her car, she receives an invisible hug from her best friend.

The warmth gives her the energy needed to finish out her tasks and return home for a peaceful slumber.

Aiko tosses and turns on the futon before getting the same embrace from her son. She tries to hold him still.

"I will cook you anything you want, just stay longer."

She feels his presence is gone, but his warm smile lingers to give her hope.

Little Karisa's feels her father's hand on her stomach. A near gummy smile reveals a small tooth.

Penny receives a dream from her husband. Their lips reuniting with passion with their arms wrapped around each other like trees. Her hands feeling his developed muscles while he fondles her butt. Him sliding down to give her a foot massage that leaves her in complete bliss. She pounces onto him with desire to turn their bodies into one.....

Her dream ends with her resting on top of him for another day of love to come.

"I love you, agapimenos."


Mt Delphi,

Mina the Oracle enters the room of Apollo with several guards to quietly remember the times they spent together. How his music had her feet dancing with joy on the grayest day. Her fingers touch the painting of him before slowly walking to the room of her paternal figure.

Dionysus' cellar is left untouched with his wine bottles still there. Her lips quiver from his gentle presence that hadn't left this place. If anything, she would capture Takashi Watanabe and bring her father figure back...and yet it all feels wrong.

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