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He keeps the fluttering of his winged sandals quiet for an "important" task. A slight prank for the mother of his child. The darkness of night settles in as Hermes observes Aphrodite putting on her see through nightgown.

With quickness, he covers her eyes with a hand. She jumps from the surprise. The god of messengers removed his hands, feeling guilty for scaring her.

"Hermes. How is my love doing?", she turned with a smile that relieves him. She puckers her lips, and he doesn't hesitate.

"Sorry for scaring you", as he caressed her cheeks while in the air.

"I'm fine since you're here. I have to admit, I couldn't fall asleep anyway."

"What's wrong?"

"Do you know someone named Mnemosyne or Eris?"

"I don't recall those names, but who are they?"

"I heard Mnemosyne's voice and she said her name, Boeotia, and Eris with urgency", she bluffed expertly. "I'm worried, my love."

"I will check it out for you and come back. I won't let you get worried anymore. Wait a second."

He goes through his papers and quickly skims to the one that mentions gods. He finds Eris' name.

"Eris: the goddess of discord and strife. She carries golden apples and-

"Golden apples? Oh, no", as she kept up the act. She sits on the bed and Hermes pats her hand to comfort her.

"She must have started the Trojan War. That golden apple was the cause of it all."

"Mnemosyne is probably calling out to you because of her. Where is Boeotia again? I can't find it here", as he looked at the map. She points to a general area.

"I will report what I found there. Get some sleep while you can."

"So I don't get wrinkles on my forehead?", she joked.

"Even with wrinkles, I will still find you beautiful. I love you, my clam goddess", before kissing her forehead. 

He goes to leave, but she pulls him in for a deeper kiss. His staff clatters to the floor so his hands can be free to touch her. He kisses her neck, and she moans to his liking. He stops the foreplay before he forgets his task.

"We will continue after I give you the report", as he picked up his staff and flies off. Aphrodite beams from ear to ear the calming, loving nature the trickster gives her.

The god of messengers cuts through the air to reach the city of Boeotia to calm his beloved. He collides with something. His body shakes from the disturbance until he shakes his head. He readjusts his glasses several times while blinking. A crack in the sky disturbs him.

A barrier?, the messenger god thought.

He checks the map to find this is the right place, but he doesn't see the city nor its inhabitants. Like someone is hiding it from him. His golden-lavender aura spikes as he transfers it into his staff. The wings of his sandals flutter rapidly as he flies backward for charging distance. He aims his staff at the crack and flies ahead.......

The near light speed helps him crash through the barrier. Like glass, it shatters....to reveal the horror that makes him gasp. The city was littered with corpses resulting from a catastrophic event.

He uses his speed and senses around the area. No survivors. He looks over again for any clues on what had happened. He then gets the feeling that he's in the right place to look. A small spark of divinity calls out to him.

He clears out the rubble with the swing of his staff to find Mnemosyne's crushed body. Hermes checks her body for any clues. Nothing on her back until he turns her over. Three holes in her chest that were close together and he immediately thinks of Poseidon's trident.

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