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Hades' silver stare doesn't leave the sight of Orpheus. The demigod he had forbidden from returning to the land of the dead.

He lets out a silent exhale. Circumstances change. He brings his attention back to his wife to support her.

The long summer blonde hair of the Underworld Queen flows behind her every step. Her emerald eyes widen from the sudden connection between her and Echo.

"I-I know you?"

The mountain nymph delivers a grin with blooming buds. "I'm your niece, Echo."

Memories fall into place for Persephone. The warm months of playing tag and spoiling the young girl with maza cakes. Listening to her busy chatter with the utmost patience. Afternoon naps by the tree near Demeter's home...

She stops the tears of guilt from flowing down. How can I not remember my loved one?

"May I give you a hug...theia (aunt)?"

A simple nod closes the distance between them. Persephone strokes through the bushy brown hair of her niece. The rest of the memories gently piece together of their times together. Even after returning to the upper world for spring and summer, she still made time to see her. Her mom and Adonis included as well.

Persephone gently pushes back. "Why is it all coming back?"

Takashi steps forward before kneeling down to show respect. "Although Zeus removed your memories with Mnemosyne's lamp, your bonds must be stronger than that."

"I'm glad," Echo embraces her aunt with all that she has. Demeter smiles briefly that her family is coming back together. But she readies her heart for their conversation.

"I have so much to tell you, Auntie! I have a boyfriend, but he's still too young for me, so I have to wait for him to age up. His name is Chrysaor and Takashi has an instant painting of him. He's so handsome--"

The Queen gently pats her shoulders to keep her still. "I miss hearing your excited voice so much. I want to talk with you afterwards.

Her emerald eyes politely tell her to step aside. Eyes harden like a shield to be strong in front of her mother. The mountain nymph returns to her grandmother's side with the others. Demeter steps forward with a heavy heart to spill.

Harmonia clears her throat. "A few ground rules are in order. Be honest, but not hurtful. Finally, don't let your pride discard your relationship. Good mothers and daughters may argue, but the love always remains," while showing a silver drachma with a heart on one side and an arrow on the other.

She plants a kiss on the coin out of respect for her fallen parents. Cadmus gently clutches her hand to lend his support. The smile he loves appears on her face.

"Pick a side. The side facing up will determine who goes first. You must let the other side respond."

"Arrow," Persephone calls it first.

The coin flips into the air. Takashi and the others hold their breath for what might happen next.

Clink! The arrow has won, but Persephone isn't happy with the result. Words bubble from her heart, wanting to be released.

Harmonia turns to the Queen of the Dead. "Do you prefer back and forth or-?"

"Back and forth," she doesn't hesitate. "She needs to answer my questions."

"I understand, my child," Demeter shifts her feet for a strong foundation.

"Mother, why do you disapprove of my marriage to Hades? I came to him of my own volition."

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