False War Pt 2

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From the deities down to the mortals, everyone is shocked by the sea god's action.

Poseidon kicks Athena off his trident as Ares charges at him with both blades. Ares swings in two different directions and Poseidon manages to block both attempts with his trident. Ares backs up and launches several aura strikes that are roughly blocked by the sea god.

Athena winces from the pain and self-heals thanks to her followers. "Why?", she questions her uncle with a raised spear.

"Time for Athens to go under new management", he blocks Ares' strikes while talking.

Ares gets within his space and the sea god looks to end things here. He moves his trident but finds it has missed the mark as Ares lands a significant strike through the abdomen. His golden Olympian blood comes out as Ares keeps attacking. He launches a tremor jab, but it misses too. Ares plunges several swords within that instant into his uncle.

Poseidon jumps back and now he knows who's responsible just from hearing a familiar sound. The fluttering of winged sandals.

"So, you decided to get involved, runt?"

Hermes had slipped through the barrier at top speed to help his brother.

Athena charges her spear with aura, waiting for the right moment to strike. Hermes keeps assisting Ares as he redirects Poseidon's attacks away from his brother.

While this occurs, Poseidon motions with a hand. His army splits up and the archers start firing away at the armies of Sparta and Athens. Artemis and Eros stop their attempt with a large volley of energy arrows. Apollo and Hemera switch positions and he fires off musical notes that puts the army to sleep. Cetus isn't affected to their surprise.

Dionysus directs the Athenian army away from the battlefield once he notices that. Yet, they wouldn't move.

"We will not abandon our goddess!"

"Athena lied to you!"

His words are not reaching the army as they stay there. He forces them to back up by drawing out his threatening Olympian energy. They finally respond.

The Spartans go to leave the area and Cetus lunges at them! Phobos, Deimos, Eros, Artemis, and Apollo attack Cetus with numerous energy arrows to force the monster back. The creature wails from the pain, but they all notice its wounds are self-healing. They sense divinity in the creature that's the work of Poseidon.

The monster slams its tail on the ground! The impact makes everyone fall to the ground, except his master.

He goes to cut down Ares while he's off balance, but Hermes interferes by pushing Ares out of the way while dodging the attack. He takes this chance and steals the trident!

Although it's too heavy for him to use, he will at least keep it out of his uncle's grasp.

Poseidon goes to take it back, but Athena pierces through his side with her spear! Ares jumps overhead and drags swords into his back before spacing away. The sea god's furious stomp breaks the ground and awakens his army.

The barrier falters from the overwhelming power and human soldiers start falling between the cracks!

Before darkness can swallow them, Hermes uses his superior speed to drop the trident......

Spartans and Athenians are perplexed to find themselves in the town of Nemea. They hear fluttering and Hermes stands before them. They also see Cetus fighting against the deities' projectiles.

"Now is not the time for fighting! Stay right here!", he waves his staff.

They don't dare question his orders. Hermes flies back to the battlefield to help his siblings against Poseidon and Athena. He also wants to prevent Ares from turning his attention to the town. As he gets closer, he crosses a line and is stopped in a familiar sphere.

He winces as several cuts appear on his body, but he refuses to give his tormentor the benefit of a scream. He grips his staff to keep himself from falling apart.

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