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As the new normal, the sun rises up without the chariot of Helios. Daylight breaks over the temple of Ephesus.

Feet hurry. Hermes was the only one to hear the crackle before it struck down on them.

The heat of Zeus' masterbolt tears his body apart molecule by molecule as he runs back and forth to get everyone and their items out.

The Olympian gods and mortals are astounded as they arrive near the shore of Asia Minor. Their mouths collectively drop from the black cloud surrounding the temple.


The temple is obliterated without a moment's notice. The heat of the bolt melts it all down, not leaving a trace of it behind. The mortals fall to the ground from the tremors while the Olympians raise a barrier to contain the shocks. Sparks resulting from the explosion knock against the barrier.

Takashi clutches Helena close to him, refusing to let go. "Zone-"

The shaking stops, but it wasn't what interrupted him. His pupils waver along with everyone else's. Hermes' body sparks from what he did to save them. Sharp gasps of air leave his burnt lips. He kicks off his fluttering sandals at Dionysus.

Artemis rushes over to heal him with heavy tears dripping down. A glowing hand within arm's reach. His body turns to ashes, leaving his burnt cloak on the ground. His helmet softly falls on it.

The Huntress' wail pierces the sky. Taki's legs buckle underneath him from another loss. Tears finally break from his loved ones, but there isn't any time. Narrowed eyes are focused on the King who hovers above them all.

A metal gauntlet is on his right arm with musical notes inscribed to insult the one who damaged him.

Fur forms over Artemis' body as she snarls from the many heartbreaks she endured for so long.  Sharp pointed claws on her hands and feet. Her nose and jaw elongate to form a snout. Nature at its full display. A lycanthrope that wants to rip his throat out. Waves beat upon the shore to lend her strength. She inhales the winds to not waste a breath.

"Why do you waste your time defending a stranger over your own family?!", Zeus chastises them.

Artemis summons a pillar of earth to launch herself at him. A metal fist rivaling Chrysaor's gigantic form pummels her to the ground. The land shakes with cracks forming. The works of Hephaestus' robots step to avenge their fallen creator.

Before Eros can do anything, the metal fist along with its arm cracks. Gears and oil fly out before Artemis slashes out an exit through the neck.

Bloodshot eyes focused on the one who raised her. Energy of nature fuels her to wipe out any trace of Hephaestus. Veins strike across her body. She unleashes her bark. The soundwaves tear through some of the robots like papyrus. Metal thuds shake the area.

Eros finds he has the last of the love dust in his hands. He sprinkles the last of his mother to get Helena and the noncombatants out of here. Zeus zips towards him with an aimed chop, but the swift foot of Dionysus sends him rolling.

The King feels golden vermillion leaving his mouth. An elbow to the temple. A kick to the groin. A clap to both ears. A speed that Zeus never anticipated. Through his vision, he sees Dionysus with the winged sandals of Hermes. He throws an electric jab which the god of wine responds with one of his own.

Zeus laughs from the stupidity, but oxygen leaves his throat. Sharp fingers almost rip out his jugular. Dionysus' eyes outmatch the sharpness of any blade as he continues his barrage to kill his father. Each strike fueled by his fatherly love for Mina.

During their fight, Helena, Medea, and the others leave. The demigods and deities rally themselves to finish this.

A mountain pillar from underneath stabs Zeus through the gut. Echo's brown eyes turn black. The pain of losing her true lover fueling the trap that connects his hands and feet to the ground.

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