Game Pt 2

5 1 1

California, 4:05pm

Karisa squirms against her mother's shirt. Penny also feels the same way. Checking her phone, her honey-brown eyes widen from the spike in her husband's energy levels. But her heart settles that it's not a combat situation.

She pats her daughter's back. "It's okay, little one. Daddy didn't mean to frighten you."

Aiko's feet storm into the living room. "I don't care if he's 30, I will ground him! No leaving the house for several months!"

"I will help," Penny chuckles.

Despite their relief, they feel he's doing something to win at any cost.

Penny places a hand on Karisa's head. "May the gods of Gaia aid my husband to victory."

Her daughter babbles out a prayer of her own which is rewarded with a soft kiss on her cheek.

Meanwhile, Greg and Misha are outside for a nice walk when they received that same alert.

His best friends laugh after some tension.

"We can't tell him no," Misha smiles.

"Whatever it is, I know he will win."


Scylla and the others keep a watchful eye as fingers draw their battlelines. Keeping silent to prevent a question from ruining Takashi's chances. Someone makes the first two squares followed by a line.

Athena smiles. "How did it feel destroying Ithaca?"

His milk chocolate eyes glare at her. "I didn't do it. Your father did."

The last part almost takes away her smile. "Hmm. Why would he do that?"

"Because he's a monster who isn't held accountable for his crimes, goddess of justice."

The venom in his last words reveal the utter hatred for her.

The deity shrugs her shoulders. "Your turn."

His index finger applies pressure to force her line for a small victory.

Athena draws the line that he capitalizes on. Three squares won in the left corner.

"Why have you never held your father responsible?"

"Even with my intelligence, he's king above us all. I have never gone against him."

The Kerie's sword unsheathes--Slice.

Athena lets out a gasp from the small cut on her shoulder. The bottom line of upper right square disappears. Takashi claims it to his side while making another line.

"He probably wiped your memory just like he did with the others. How did you go against him?"

The goddess fixates on the golden ichor dripping down to the ground. Her mind is trying to recollect how she rebelled against her dad.

One image comes to mind. "Chains?"

Taki leans in. "Were you alone in this rebellion?"


"Where are the chains?"

"Skip." How could I know that?

Athena sees an opening and takes it. Takashi is forced to draw a third line. The remaining four squares ally themselves with the goddess for the first game's victory. 

Athena: 6 Taki 4

Echo's crown of flowers wither, but Demeter grasps her hand. "It's not over, yet."

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