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Although the trip to Medea's castle went smoothly, sleep was rough for Takashi Watanabe.

Seeing Avgi flying in her wings before the wax melted away. He stretches his hands to catch her, but his feet move through a pool of honey. Her body hits the ground with a sickening thud. Her cries of pain as her feet unraveled like a ball of yarn.

She pleads for his help. He would repeat "rewind" several times. The Trojan child's crying finally stops. The only thing left are her small eyes. Disappointment reflected back at him.

"How could you let us die?!"

Briseis' voice rattles him. He turns to see her and everyone that he had ever befriended in Gaia.  A volley of sharp words pierce his heavy heart from the deities to the mortals. Nothing to say as he felt deserving of the shame.

The onslaught hasn't stopped for four nights.

Even when food was brought to him, he would send it back. He slept on the unforgiving floor instead of the comfy bed arranged for him. The curtains closed to prevent moonlight from pouring in. No baths to refreshen as he saw no point in doing so.

His phone mocked him. Fear of his loved ones possibly resenting him for what he did. Although he felt the "cheering" of his loved ones, he didn't believe them. The holidays putting a toll on each relationship he has. Except for Karisa.

One more reset would leave her as a one-year-old. Maybe it's the only relationship he could salvage upon his return. He will just have to wait until the next month......

Why would I even accept that?

A sliver of rebellion. Imagining Zeus abusing his power over the humans in his world still makes him sick. 

Shut it. It's inevitable! Nyx gave you a chance and you blew it! Zeus will not let you two get close again.

A strong wind moves the curtains. The moonlight touches his back. Cold, yet comfort that he didn't deserve.

Tears flow from his face. "I'm sorry, Nyx. Why help me when I'm not the right person for this? I'm so weak."

He cries himself into the next morning. 

The door to his bedroom slams open. Medea's sandals storm over to him. He gets to his feet and backs away from her glowing hands. She knows it's not fear of her reputation, but something else.

"I want answers. I gave you some time, but I need to know."

His pupils don't respond to her.

"So be it." She nears him, but he attempts to run past the open door.

Strength leaves his feet. His body collapses from the lack of energy. He crawls away while having eyes on the witch.

Her hands stop glowing. She pushes back a strand of brown curly hair from her face. A heavy sigh leaves her lips.

She sits down on the floor some feet away. "Fine. At least listen to me."

Her hands hold each other for strength. Her shoulders tremble from the burden on her heart. But she thinks opening up will help him open up in return. 

"I don't know if you will believe me, but I must try. I....feel you won't tell anyone...."

Heavy tears crawl down her face as she retells what actually happened between her and her first children. How Jason's betrayal of their love added to her insomnia. The accidental deaths of her twin boys stun him. A harsh truth that's almost ripping her apart. How she accepted the terrible rumors her husband spread to tarnish her name.

She wipes her tears with the sleeve of her dress. Her body shudders while letting go of her burden. Besides telling Aegeus, she feels she has told this to someone before.

He shifts his feet and closes the distance between them. "May....I hug you?"

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