False War Pt 4

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Eris has had enough. She summons all of her chaotic aura to tear Dionysus and Theseus apart. Dionysus stands in front of Theseus to keep him safe as he endures it for Mina. Pieces of his divine face tears off from the pain. With one hand, an orb of chaotic energy is charging to wipe them out.

Her left foot stumbles causing the energy to release in a direction away from the others. She closes and opens her eyes, but everything is stirring together. Sky, water, earth, and her enemies swirling into each other.

She hears something faint before getting pelted by heavy blows. She goes to strike-


Before she can scream out in pain from the broken right arm, a combined beam of Theseus and Dionysus tears through her torso!

She goes to lash out, but her head tilts to the right before clearly seeing Orpheus in front of her. With one clean motion, he separates his hands......and the head of the goddess of discord.

Her body collapses to the ground while spurting out her divine ichor. The musical demigod, Theseus, and Dionysus stare at the dead source of their pain. Clouds of relief fall upon the trio from the burdens she gave them.

"Who-Who are you?", Theseus asks the man with the lyre, yet a faint bond is connecting them.

"Orpheus of Thrace. I'm with Taki and the others."

The deity of festivals smile that another ally has joined their side. Apollo, from above, smiles in relief that Eris can't harm anyone anymore.

Dionysus lends his healing to both of them with hands on their heads.

At the same time, the trap around Hermes vanishes. He falls to the ground on his hands and knees. His broken glasses tumble off his face. His golden-violet aura helps repair them along with healing his body. However, the scars won't leave him. He pushes that fact to the back of his mind to help Ares and Artemis.

Athena sees her chance after blocking Artemis' knife to drive her spear through her chest. She shoots out a beam from her index finger, refusing to let Theseus see the end of the day. Artemis rips out the spear with her hands to stop her.

Hermes and Dionysus couldn't prevent the beam in time due to their energy usage.....

Three syllables quickly utter out with the strongest emotion....

It's all too fast for the demigod to comprehend as the beam safely passes by him. The dark green vibrations behind his rescuer are like a heartbeat thumping rapidly without end. Its body barely has an outline from its divine speed.

Artemis and the others there are astounded. The being was barely human, but it was him. The anger and refusal to let Ariadne lose him again sparked the match needed to overcome Athena's curse.

Takashi Watanabe has unlocked FF3. With a single step, they run out of Athena's sight before she can fire off another beam. This speed perplexes the goddess of wisdom. It isn't the same as Hermes, but the demigod is knocking the door of Artemis' feral speed. He swoops in and takes Orpheus to be with Takashi and the others.


On Earth, Hikari and Greg receive alerts. Their jaws drop. Taki's energy levels are higher than they have ever been. They get excited, thinking that he unlocked a new power to help him defeat Poseidon.

"You got this, man!", Greg silently cheers while at work.

"Defeat that pathetic god!", his sister cheers.

Penny feels a bit of his energy while rocking their daughter. "That's your daddy!"

Their daughter is excited as she reaches out with her small hands.

"Come home, my love!"

Back to Gaia

Hermes beats Taki to Heracles and Hestia.

"Theseus, return to Ariadne this instant", Taki's voice comes off distorted from the volatile form.

"The family and I will take care of Athena", Heracles assures him.

Theseus recognizes the strongest human of Gaia as Heracles. He also sees another man equipped with the sword and shield of Athena, a winged horse, and a goddess with the warmth of a warm fireplace. Like he has met them all before.

So many questions run through his mind, but he remembers his promise to his wife. He stomps a hole in the ground and jumps in.

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